3 Decades of Global Warming Predictions Have Failed

In the 1970s, the left was pushing a climate scare tactic known as Global Cooling. Its purpose was to frighten Americans into voting for unaccountable federal programs that would strangle business and citizens with high taxes and out of control regulations.

American Liberty Report

[This amusing piece was borrowed from the American Liberty Report.  You can find the original article on line.  Ed.]

In the 1970s, the left was pushing a climate scare tactic known as Global Cooling. Its purpose was to http://www.americanlibertyreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Capture-a-a-a-alkkjasdas-e1530219270613.jpgfrighten Americans into voting for unaccountable federal programs that would strangle business and citizens with high taxes and out of control regulations.

There was even a popular Iron Maiden song about it called Total Eclipse with overtly anti-human Continue reading “3 Decades of Global Warming Predictions Have Failed”