Doron Levin
“Global warming is not a purely scientific issue any more,” he said. “It has repercussions for society. It has also taken on a moralistic, almost religious quality. If you believe what everyone believes, you are a good person. If you don’t, you are a bad person. Who wants to be a sinner?”
[This interview article about ‘skeptic’ climate scientist Nir Shaviv was published and then quickly pulled from We discovered the article after it was reprinted by Jim Lakely, Communications Director of the Heartland Institute. We are reprinting it here under the fair use doctrine. Ed.]
The U.S. auto industry and regulators in California and Washington appear

deadlocked over stiff Obama-era fuel-efficiency standards that automakers oppose and the Trump administration have vowed to roll back – an initiative that has environmental activists up in arms.
California and four automakers favor compromise, while the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) supports the president’s position that the federal standards are too strict. The EPA argues that forcing automakers to build more fuel efficient cars will make them less Continue reading “Global Warming? An Israeli Astrophysicist Provides Alternative View That Is Not Easy To Reject”