Preview and Analysis of “Climate: The Movie”

Robert W. Endlich

I was very pleased to be able to view and comment on the sequel to “The Great Global Warming Swindle,” (GGWS), a serial documentary directed by the UK’s Martin Durkin and released by Channel 4 in the UK in 2007. The sequel, released in 2024, is “Climate: The Movie.”


It is useful to introduce “Climate: The Movie” by describing how the enemies of Martin Durkin, GGWS, and skeptics of climate alarm label the video and its director, Martin Durkin.  A good example of this is in the Wikipedia listing for GGWS.

Figure 1. The Wikipedia listing for “The Great Global Warming Swindle,” taken from the Presentation Graphics. This listing exemplifies the profound ignorance of Big Tech and the so-called “educated elites,” in these specific topics: “scientific consensus,” they’re resorting to name calling “deniers” and “climate change denial.”

The previous phrase, “enemies of Martin Durkin,” might be too limiting. Writ large, this group also includes many/most left-leaning members of society. Some call them the “educated elites;” they include many in Government, Continue reading “Preview and Analysis of “Climate: The Movie””