Eleven-Year Major Hurricane Drought: Much More Unusual than Two Cat 4 Strikes

the statistics of rare events (like hurricanes) are not very well behaved. Let’s look at this new record, and compared it to the 11+year period of no major hurricane strikes that ended when Harvey struck Texas.

Roy Spencer

[This is a reprint (21 Sep 2017) from Dr. Roy Spencer’s blog (drroyspencer.com) in which he makes the point that two category 4 hurricanes making landfall in the same year is far more likely than the recent  eleven year period with no major hurricane landfalls that preceeded the two category 4 hurricanes.  Assuming the 177 year return period for no major hurricanes in 9 years estimated by NASA was correct, we agree with Dr. Spencer that the return period for no major hurricanes in 11 years would be 560 years.  Ed.]

Weather.com published an article noting that the two Cat 4 hurricane strikes this year (Harvey and Irma) is a new record. Here’s a nice graphic they used showing both storms at landfall.

Left: Hurricane Harvey makes landfall near Rockport, Texas, on Aug. 25, 2017 | Right: Hurricane Irma makes its first landfall at Cudjoe Key, Florida, on Sept. 10, 2017 (graphic: Weather.com).

Continue reading “Eleven-Year Major Hurricane Drought: Much More Unusual than Two Cat 4 Strikes”

The AMS Scolds Rick Perry for Believing the Oceans are Stronger than Your SUV

Dr. Roy Spencer responds to an American Meteorological Society attack on DOE Secretary Rick Perry’s comments during an interview on CNBC’s “Squack Box” regarding climate change.

Dr. Roy Spencer

June 22nd, 2017

DOE Secretary Rick Perry

[This post originally appeared on Dr. Roy Spencer’s blog on 22 June 2017.  Like many others, Dr. Spencer resigned in disgust from the American Meteorological Society some time ago because of their exaggerated statements regarding climate change.  Now in an obvious display of unscientific hyperpbole, the  AMS has attacked DOE Secretary Rick Perry.  Dr. Spencer takes them to task for the wildly overstated claims regarding climate change that they made in their attack on the Secretary. 

Dr. Spencer says,

“I am ashamed that the climate research community allows such pronouncements to be made. The AMS became a global warming advocacy group many years ago, and as a result it lost a lot of established members, including myself.”  ]

Continue reading “The AMS Scolds Rick Perry for Believing the Oceans are Stronger than Your SUV”

Breaking: Fatal Courtroom Act Ruins Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann

[This article by John O’Sullivan regarding Michael ‘Hockey Stick’ Mann’s libel lawsuit against Dr. Tim Ball originally appeared at Principia-Scientific followed by Technocracy.News and is reproduced for your information and entertainment.  Who can forget “Mike’s nature trick” to hide the decline.  For those of us who are skeptical about catastrophic, anthropogenic, climate change, this is really big, and it was a wonderful 4th of July gift.]

Published on July 4, 2017

Written by John O’Sullivan

Penn State climate scientist, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann commits contempt of court in the ‘climate science trial of the century.’ Prominent alarmist shockingly defies judge and refuses to surrender data for open court examination. Only possible outcome: Mann’s humiliation, defeat and likely criminal investigation in the U.S. Continue reading “Breaking: Fatal Courtroom Act Ruins Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann”

@NPR Bungles Sea Level Rise Story

[This is a reprint of an article that originally appeared in the wattsupwiththat.com blog and was authored by CASF member, Bob Endlich.  We have added  it to the May 2017 Archive directory.]

Guest Blogger / May 11, 2017

Supposed threats to coastal military installations ignore science

By Bob Endlich

“Data from CO2 measuring stations and from the Sewell’s Point and all other tide gages may clearly refute these assertions, but NPR and its colleagues will not change their minds.”

“The Sewell’s Point tide gage shows that the rate of sea level rise has not changed since the gage was installed in 1927, and is unchanged from our use of fossil fuels. It’s time to base our policies on sound science, instead of manmade global warming fiction and scare stories.”

National Public Radio’s March 31 “Morning Edition” program carried a “news” story claiming that rising seas threaten a number of U.S. coastal Continue reading “@NPR Bungles Sea Level Rise Story”

Climate Change: A Serious Threat to Science


Marita Noon

The current cold covering a large portion of the country has, once again, brought out the climate change alarmists with claims of “serious threat.”

[This article by Marita Noon was originally posted on the Townhall:Finance web site on January 27th, 2014.  It is being reproduced here under the Fair Use Doctrine.]

Marita Noon
Marita Noon

Due to his respected position, as climate scientist at the University of California, San Diego Institution of Oceanography, Richard C.J. Somerville’s recent “Cold comfort” column was published in newspapers throughout the country.

In it, he grouses that the public doesn’t take the “consequences” of climate Continue reading “Climate Change: A Serious Threat to Science”