TIME Magazine’s 2022 Feature Article, “Earth, Inc” …

“Ignorance Posing as Journalism”  

Robert W. Endlich

Once again, an old magazine in a doctor’s office waiting room was fertile ground for this month’s topic, “TIME Magazine’s 2022 feature article, ‘Earth, Inc’ …Ignorance Posing as Journalism.”

TIME’s 25 Apr/ 2 May 2022 print edition is the source of an absurd article on the alleged climate crisis, supposed journalist-experts waxing, in what they think is eloquent prose, the proclamation that a human-caused, CO2-fueled ‘climate crisis’ is upon us.  In this feature, they write,

“For better or worse, corporations are more involved than ever in how the world handles the climate crisis.”

Image by Pixabay

The puffery of journalist self-importance starts with a leading editorial by Edward Felsenthal, a Princeton Grad, TIME Editor-in-Chief and CEO, who announces a new TIME division, CO2, bringing

“a climate action program…to help guide every sized business, including ours, in becoming net (CO2 emission) zero and nature positive.”

The article itself is written by self-proclaimed Climate Expert Justin Worland, a Harvard History major who among countless others in Government, The Academy, and now in seemingly overwhelming numbers Continue reading “TIME Magazine’s 2022 Feature Article, “Earth, Inc” …”

Sierra Club’s Ignorance Revealed in the Winter 2021 Editorial

Robert W. Endlich

 A couple of months ago, while waiting in the doctor’s office, I happened upon the Winter 2021 edition of Sierra, magazine of the Sierra Club; the lead editorial, “The New Abnormal” by editor Jason Mark caught my eye, and I read it.  I was  expecting  global  warming  ignorance  and  was  not  disap-

Ahh, climate change not global warming (image by pixabay)

pointed by Jason Mark’s prose.  Jason Mark gets to his points quickly:

“Twenty twenty-one was the year that the climate crisis became unavoidable. With any luck (if you can call it that), in hindsight this will be seen as the year when Americans finally, belatedly, came to understand the severity of the crisis. The evidence has been impossible to ignore: a freakish winter deep freeze that shut down much of Texas, another horrific fire season in the West, a historic heat wave in the Pacific Northwest, a spate of deadly floods in the South quickly followed by Hurricane Ida—a storm so powerful it ended up killing dozens of people in the Northeast, more than a thousand miles from where it made landfall.”…”The alarm bells are clanging.”

So, Marks thinks unusual weather is “freakish” and “evidence” of human-caused CO2-fueled global warming, and that our use of fossil fuels and the Continue reading “Sierra Club’s Ignorance Revealed in the Winter 2021 Editorial”

A New Look at NOAA’s Alleged Cat 5 Strength for 2018’s Hurricane Michael

‘More evidence that Hurricane Michael was definitely NOT a Category FIVE storm at landfall.’

Robert W. Endlich
Image courtesy of Pixabay

In late September 2022 Category Four Hurricane Ian struck southwest Florida bringing death and destruction to southwest Florida. Ian’s arrival and wind damage spurred me to take another look at when 2018’s Hurricane Michael struck the Panhandle of Florida, and NOAA’s 2019 declaration that Michael was a Category Five storm at landfall.

This is my new look at Hurricane Michael’s winds and NOAA’s 2019 report. Continue reading “A New Look at NOAA’s Alleged Cat 5 Strength for 2018’s Hurricane Michael”

Media Lying About Climate And Hurricanes

It’s time to state the obvious.

Michael Shellenberger

[This article was originally published by the author on 4 October 2022 at this link.  We are reproducing it here under the fair use doctrine.  Ed]

Over the last several weeks, many mainstream news media outlets have claimed that hurricanes are becoming more expensive, more frequent, and more intense because of climate change.

The Financial Times reported that “hurricane frequency is on the rise.”

The New York Times claimed, “strong storms are becoming more common in the Atlantic Ocean.”

The Washington Post said, “climate change is rapidly fueling super hurricanes.”

ABC News declared, “Here’s how climate change intensifies hurricanes.”

Both the FT and N.Y. Times showed graphs purporting to show rising Continue reading “Media Lying About Climate And Hurricanes”

Materials Acquisition for Global Industrial Change


Paul DriessenPaul Driessen

 Via executive orders, regulatory edicts and partisan Green New Deal legislation, President Biden intends to slash US carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent below their 2005 peak by 2030, and eliminate them (and fossil fuel use) by 2050. But, as AOC’s former chief of staff noted, the GND is not just about transforming America’s energy

Materials Acquisition for Global Industrial Change
Source: AP Photo/Evan Vucci

system; it’s about changing the entire economy.

[This article was original posted on Townhall.com on May 02, 2021 12:01 AM.  It is reproduced here with the  permission of the author.  Ed.]

This radical transformation is driven by three fundamental articles of faith, none of them based on reality.

The crisis of manmade climate cataclysms necessitates this GND. Natural forces no longer play a role. Rising temperatures since the Little Ice Age Continue reading “Materials Acquisition for Global Industrial Change”