Another False Climate Alarm

There’s no imminent climate threat to southern New Mexico’s famous chile-producing region

 Robert W. Endlich

A recent “news feature” in Las Cruces’ Sun-News was full of gloom, portraying a picture of approaching “climate uncertainty” for New

Image by wolvesandbears from Pixabay

Mexico’s beloved chile pepper crop, because of purported looming drought and increasing temperatures, with a subtext of human-caused CO2-fueled global warming. The front-page article, by Leah Romero from New Mexico in Depth, was accompanied with a foreboding graph and story, showing seemingly unending upward temperatures, copy below, with an aura of authority. After all, the data came from New Mexico’s Land Grant College, Continue reading “Another False Climate Alarm”

Adjusted “Unadjusted” Data: NASA Uses The “Magic Wand Of Fudging”, Produces Warming Where There Never Was

By P Gosselin on 25 June 2019      

By Kirye 
and Pierre Gosselin      

It’s been long known that NASA[efn_note]National Aeronautics and Space Administration[/efn_note] GISS[efn_note]Goddard Institute for Space Studies[/efn_note] has been going through its historical temperature data archives and erasing old temperature measurements and replacing them with new, made up figures without any real legitimate reason.

Why pick cherries when you can manufacture them to your own specifications? Photo by Pixabay.

This practice has led to the formation of new datasets called “adjusted” data, with the old datasets being called “V3 unadjusted”. The problem for global warming activists, however, was that when anyone looks at the old “V3 unadjusted” – i.e. untampered data – they often found a downward linear temperature trend. Such negative trends of course are an embarrassment for global warming alarmists, who have been claiming the planet is warming up rapidly.

The adjusted “unadjusted” data

So what to do? Well, it seems that NASA has decided to adjust its “V3 Continue reading “Adjusted “Unadjusted” Data: NASA Uses The “Magic Wand Of Fudging”, Produces Warming Where There Never Was”

About those stories of, “Declining Arctic Sea Ice Extent”

By Robert Endlich

There are numerous stories in the media about “Declining Arctic Sea Ice Extent.” This post is the story of what I found when I started looking into the specifics cited in some of those stories.

Did NCA4 Pick Some Cherries? Photo by Pixabay

With a background in geology and as an operational meteorologist with 30 years in research and development, at the outset I became suspicious when periods of record cited as ‘lines of evidence’ were well short of the characteristic 60-year time period of naturally occurring weather events which influence my locale, New Mexico. The 60-year weather cycles which dominate North America are the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation for temperatures, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation for rainfall, especially in the Mountain West of the USA, more of which is described here.

Some of the loudest and shrillest cries of, “Declining Arctic Sea Ice Extent,” come from our own Government in the Fourth National Climate Assessment, NCA4. Some of the most disturbing cries come from the Continue reading “About those stories of, “Declining Arctic Sea Ice Extent””

Cold Weather Did Not Create the Modern World

By Roger McKinney

[This article was originally posted on Apr 05, 2019 at and is reproduced here under the fair use doctrine.  Ed.]

Cold Weather Did Not Create The Modern World
Source: NASA via AP

The birth of Christ was the most important event in human history. Second to it was the hockey stick growth in per capita GDP (standards of living) that began with the creation of the Dutch Republic in the late 16th century. Most know it as the Industrial Revolution, which socialists claim impoverished and enslaved mankind, but it was much more than that. It was a revolution in culture, including the laws, government, religion, social structure and attitudes toward business.

Economists call it hockey stick growth because a graph of per capita GDP for the world would be almost perfectly flat from pre-history until 1600 when Continue reading “Cold Weather Did Not Create the Modern World”

Mathematical modeling illusions

The global climate scare – and policies resulting from it – are based on models that do not work

Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris[note]Dr. Jay Lehr is the Science Director of The Heartland Institute which is based in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Tom Harris is Executive Director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition.[/note]
Tropical Mid-troposphere 20S-20N Models and Observations from

For the past three decades, human-caused global warming alarmists have tried to frighten the public with stories of doom and gloom. They tell us the end of the world as we know it is nigh because of carbon dioxide emitted into the air by burning fossil fuels.

They are exercising precisely what journalist H. L. Mencken described early in the last century: “The whole point of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be lead to Continue reading “Mathematical modeling illusions”