@NPR Bungles Sea Level Rise Story

[This is a reprint of an article that originally appeared in the wattsupwiththat.com blog and was authored by CASF member, Bob Endlich.  We have added  it to the May 2017 Archive directory.]

Guest Blogger / May 11, 2017

Supposed threats to coastal military installations ignore science

By Bob Endlich

“Data from CO2 measuring stations and from the Sewell’s Point and all other tide gages may clearly refute these assertions, but NPR and its colleagues will not change their minds.”

“The Sewell’s Point tide gage shows that the rate of sea level rise has not changed since the gage was installed in 1927, and is unchanged from our use of fossil fuels. It’s time to base our policies on sound science, instead of manmade global warming fiction and scare stories.”

National Public Radio’s March 31 “Morning Edition” program carried a “news” story claiming that rising seas threaten a number of U.S. coastal Continue reading “@NPR Bungles Sea Level Rise Story”

Global Warming – Listener’s Dissenting View: Climate One | KRWG by Bob Endlich

The data I show here demonstrates the claims by CLIMATE ONE and their parent organization, the Commonwealth Club, are refuted by data and publications in the public domain. Claims of the “Settled Science” of catastrophic warming are without foundation, if you look at the data. In science, the debate is never over and the science is never settled.

The Data Denier – James Hansen, by Bob Endlich

Data denier, [James] “Hansen says the science is settled and there are no data which contradict the alarmist view of imminent catastrophic [global mean] temperature change and tipping points. Hansen can’t accept the fact that measurements, observations, facts and data show that present temperatures are quite ordinary and that the rates of temperature change are among the smallest of the past 10,000 years, despite present CO2 concentrations.”

This item describes interactions between Bob Endlich and data denier, James Hansen, at The Santa Fe Institute in 2013 during, and subsequent to, a presentation there by Hansen.   In response to a question about inconsistencies between the measured data and Hansen’s alarmist contentions, Hansen chose to deny the data. At the time, Hansen was the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies; he has since retired from that post.  We are reproducing Bob’s account of the exchange here for the archives.

Continue reading “The Data Denier – James Hansen, by Bob Endlich”

Warming Pause and Karl’s Elimination of it by Bob Endlich

There is quite a story, a back story, really, concerning the Tom Karl paper in 2015 in which he concluded that there never was a pause in global warming because they needed to adjust the Sea Surface Temper-atures upward to make other measurements comport to (or with) the ship turbine inlet temps.

Continue reading “Warming Pause and Karl’s Elimination of it by Bob Endlich”

Sea Level and Barrier Beaches by Bob Endlich

Bob Endlich describes growing up around barrier beaches and how they were changed after every strong storm that went through the area. He also provides information from news accounts during that period of time. Climate alarmists frequently use barrier beaches to show how global warming has changed the environment, but, in fact, these sandbars and sandy shorelines have always moved around in the wind and waves due to the natural effects of the weather.

Continue reading “Sea Level and Barrier Beaches by Bob Endlich”