A Year Later: Alarmism, and Claims the Pacific Northwest’s Heat Wave was Human-Caused

Robert W. Endlich
Image by Jose Antonio Alba from Pixabay

In late June 2021 a well-publicized heat wave occurred in the Pacific Northwest states of the USA.  I write this review a year later with a full year having passed for retrospection to examine what happened, in hopes that we might learn some lessons.

One NPR story captured a headline and narrative that puts many elements of Global Warming Alarmism up for critical examination.  The headline,

“Climate Change Is Driving Deadly Weather Disasters From Arizona To Mumbai,”

dated 29 Jul 2021 introduces a storyline put forth by NPR’s Climate Team Continue reading “A Year Later: Alarmism, and Claims the Pacific Northwest’s Heat Wave was Human-Caused”

Climatology and Weather Effects in the Early Ground War in Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Robert W. Endlich

What determines a nation’s success or failure on the battlefield?

Image by Pixabay

The answer to that question has been debated throughout history and is ongoing as I write this, as Russian troops engage Ukrainian fighters in Ukraine.  Many factors are involved in the answer to this question, including quality and quantity of equipment and troops, control of the air, training and discipline of troops, and logistic support of those engaged in combat.

Another factor often determines the outcome:  Weather and Weather’s effects on the terrain and the skies above.

I spent twenty-one years in the Air Force as a Weather Officer, three of which were as Staff Weather Officer to the Army’s VII Corps in Stuttgart, Continue reading “Climatology and Weather Effects in the Early Ground War in Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine”

CRITIQUE of the June 2021 AARP Bulletin: “Climate Change and You”

Robert W. Endlich

A few months ago, I picked up the June 2021 issue of the AARP BULLETIN. What greeted me was inch-high letters blaring the title of their feature article: “CLIMATE CHANGE AND YOU; Extreme Weather Is Affecting Older Americans’ Daily Life…”

On the front cover, four huge images, vivid color photos: white-shirted man on rooftop looking into a wildfire in southern California, flood victims of Hurricane Florence in an overloaded boat in South Carolina, woman in jeans and white shirt in Mississippi assessing damage after Hurricane Katrina, and a view of slushy streets in Texas, February 2021.


Figure 1. Screenshot of the AARP BULLETIN’s front cover graphics for the feature article, ”What You Need to Know About Climate Change.” The authors don’t know it but, what they are really describing is wild weather, part of the climate we have. AARP’s ignorance starts right here, with this cover graphic.

The photos are dramatic, of course, classic emotional appeals by the media. But I thought,

“Is AARP subliminally trying to tell us that wildfires are new Continue reading “CRITIQUE of the June 2021 AARP Bulletin: “Climate Change and You””

Post-Hurricane Ida’s deadly rain event in New York City

Natural Rainfall, Excessive Runoff, and Lousy Drainage, Not Human-Caused CO2-fueled Global Warming 

By Robert W. Endlich

As the remnants of what, days before, had been Hurricane Ida passed by the New York City Metro area the evening of 1 Sep 2021, the skies opened up and in spots it poured, as an anticipated heavy rain event crossed the region near sunset.  Thunderstorms, fed by water vapor evaporating from

Image by Pixabay

historically the warmest waters of the year offshore, in New York Bay and the nearby Atlantic Ocean, even brought some tornadoes as the unstable air was made even more unstable by convergence of the air at the surface. Overwater winds came onshore to terrain filled with high-rise apartments and skyscrapers built to enable the highest numbers of humans to live and work in the New York City Metropolitan Area, home to over 8 million souls, Continue reading “Post-Hurricane Ida’s deadly rain event in New York City”

El Nino and La Nina: The Controls on Rainfall and Drought in the Western USA

Robert W. Endlich

“It is not necessary to believe false CO2 theory and stories to understand the wild weather in the wild West . . .”

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Have you ever wondered why weather-related news stories from the western USA seem to go from hot, dry weather, droughts, extensive wildfires, and forest fires to the other extreme: heavy rainfall seemingly for days on end, often with cliffside houses washing from their perches into the Pacific Ocean? On-line stories are often accompanied with illustrative video. There is a seemingly never-ending string of weather-related stories carrying western datelines, seemingly varying from dry to drenching, from one extreme to another.

Sometimes climate alarmists claim this is an artifact of our use of fossil fuels, and we are causing these wild excursions because of the increasing amounts of the trace gas CO2 in the atmosphere.

The Questions

“Are we causing these excursions?”

“What is going on here?”

Answers. Starting with some History

Clues come from the history of the Spanish-speaking fishermen who plied Continue reading “El Nino and La Nina: The Controls on Rainfall and Drought in the Western USA”