Human-Caused Climate Change? Possible Lessons from Weather Modification Operations During the Vietnam War

Robert W. Endlich

On 20 March 2021, I presented “Human-Caused Climate Change? Possible Lessons from Weather Modification Operations During the Vietnam War;” graphics are posted on the web site at this link.

The presentation delved into these subject areas: a personal timeline, geography of Southeast Asia, A History, from of the loss of French Indochina to the disclosure and declassification of US weather modification efforts, climatology and the monsoons, cloud physics and cloud seeding, cloud seeding history—mostly from newspapers, sensational stories and wild speculation, and serious research especially that led by the late Dr. Joanne Simpson.

[Whenever the author mentions SECRET and/or TOP SECRET missions, activities, or code words, he is referring to the classification at that time.  Everything in this post has since been declassified.  Ed]

I spoke on weather modification efforts by the military in Southeast Asia: Operation Popeye, 1966, Operation Compatriot/Intermediary, 1967-72, my 1969 in-flight observations over the Ho Chi Minh Trail, disclosure of the project, US Senate hearings, and declassification of this formerly TOP SECRET effort.

Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay

In doing my research, several unresolved items resulted in puzzlement for me including the now declassified early 1967 State Department memo which recommended pursuing cloud seeding, internet-available literature which is all over the place on details, and a popular, but seriously in error, post in Gizmodo.

My presentation graphics contain the above subject areas; those interested in my references and my thoughts can see both in the graphics; both are evident. Continue reading “Human-Caused Climate Change? Possible Lessons from Weather Modification Operations During the Vietnam War”

Blatant Examples: Massive Vote Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election

Robert W. Endlich

January 9, 2021 (Addendum added September 2, 2023)


While I was watching the returns on Election Night, 3 November 2020, and into the early morning hours of 4 November, I saw extremely suspicious activity—vote counting was suspended in the swing states; the suspensions of vote counting were reported on live TV as they happened.

One report from Fulton County (Atlanta Metro), Georgia, said they suspended counting because of a “massive water leak.”

How convenient.

Later reports were that a single urinal had overflowed in the morning, was promptly fixed, and the area was summarily cleaned up.

But we could see on live TV that counting was halted also in Michigan, Continue reading “Blatant Examples: Massive Vote Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election”

An analysis of the 17 April 2018 NMSU Climate “Education” presentation by Dr David Dubois

Robert W. Endlich

… a patchwork of stories where propaganda and misinformation are presented as fact.


For the lead presentation of a series which was purported to bring “Climate Education” to interested members of the Las Cruces, NM and New Mexico State University communities, Dave DuBois starts off with an emotional appeal to the audience, not a fact-based introduction. The link to his presentation is at scroll to the bottom.

His subsequent sequence is filled with a patchwork of stories where propaganda and misinformation are presented as fact. Sometimes Dr. DuBois mentions tools of the trade in understanding climate history, including ice core proxies, sedimentation records, and natural climate cycles, including El Nino-Southern Oscillation and the Pacific Continue reading “An analysis of the 17 April 2018 NMSU Climate “Education” presentation by Dr David Dubois”

More Climate Alarmist False Narratives

Robert W. Endlich

Five Impossible-to-believe topics fed to us by the alarmists:  A 2019 report: Climate is in Crisis, 100% renewable electricity is possible, Hurricane Dorian was made stronger by our use of fossil fuels, Hurricane Michael was Category 5 at landfall, and human-caused CO2-fueled global warming is a coming catastrophe.  This post summarizes my November 2019 presentation to the Cruces Atmospheric Sciences Forum, CASF.

[This is a corrected version of this post edited by the author on 4 December 2022.  Ed.]


On 4 Sep 2019 CNN presented a televised town hall meeting where 2020 Democrat presidential candidates discussed a purported human-caused, CO2-fueled climate crisis; Inside Climate News reported on the event.  I focus on three elements of that report, encapsulated in these quotes:

“There was none of the debate over science that has dominated U.S. political discussions and strangled action in recent years.”

“Most of the sparring was over what would they do to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable, how far they would go to change American lifestyles, and how would they marshal the money and political support.” Continue reading “More Climate Alarmist False Narratives”

Another False Climate Alarm

There’s no imminent climate threat to southern New Mexico’s famous chile-producing region

 Robert W. Endlich

A recent “news feature” in Las Cruces’ Sun-News was full of gloom, portraying a picture of approaching “climate uncertainty” for New

Image by wolvesandbears from Pixabay

Mexico’s beloved chile pepper crop, because of purported looming drought and increasing temperatures, with a subtext of human-caused CO2-fueled global warming. The front-page article, by Leah Romero from New Mexico in Depth, was accompanied with a foreboding graph and story, showing seemingly unending upward temperatures, copy below, with an aura of authority. After all, the data came from New Mexico’s Land Grant College, Continue reading “Another False Climate Alarm”