The Fake Climate Consensus

John Stossel

We are told climate change is a crisis, and that there is an “overwhelming scientific consensus.”

[This post was found on where it was published on August 09, 2023.  It is being reproduced here under the Fair Use Doctrine.  Ed.]

“It’s a manufactured consensus,” says climate scientist Judith Curry in my new video.  She says scientists have an incentive to exaggerate risk to

Source: Bigstock

pursue “fame and fortune.”

She knows about that because she once spread alarm about climate change.

Media loved her when she published a study that seemed to show a dramatic increase in hurricane intensity.

“We found that the percent of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes had doubled,” says Curry. “This was picked up by the media,” and then climate alarmists realized, “Oh, here is the way to do it.  Tie extreme weather events to global warming!” Continue reading “The Fake Climate Consensus”

In Search of the Perfect Dozen Graphics to show the Climate Alarmists are Wrong

Robert W. Endlich
Illustration by Pixabay

During the comments and questions part of the 15 July 2023 meeting, CASF Member and physicist Edward Burlbaw suggested that we find a “perfect 10 or 12” images that any CASF member might pull up, for instance, on a cell phone, to show their climate alarmist friends data or graphics to dispel the current climate alarm in the mainstream media (MSM), Governments, Academia, and popular culture.

So, with that as background, this is an admittedly different kind of post for this site. I used the 19 August 2023 meeting of CASF as an opportunity to describe some of what I call the “insanity” of the climate alarmist Continue reading “In Search of the Perfect Dozen Graphics to show the Climate Alarmists are Wrong”

Sierra Club’s Ignorance Revealed in the Winter 2021 Editorial

Robert W. Endlich

 A couple of months ago, while waiting in the doctor’s office, I happened upon the Winter 2021 edition of Sierra, magazine of the Sierra Club; the lead editorial, “The New Abnormal” by editor Jason Mark caught my eye, and I read it.  I was  expecting  global  warming  ignorance  and  was  not  disap-

Ahh, climate change not global warming (image by pixabay)

pointed by Jason Mark’s prose.  Jason Mark gets to his points quickly:

“Twenty twenty-one was the year that the climate crisis became unavoidable. With any luck (if you can call it that), in hindsight this will be seen as the year when Americans finally, belatedly, came to understand the severity of the crisis. The evidence has been impossible to ignore: a freakish winter deep freeze that shut down much of Texas, another horrific fire season in the West, a historic heat wave in the Pacific Northwest, a spate of deadly floods in the South quickly followed by Hurricane Ida—a storm so powerful it ended up killing dozens of people in the Northeast, more than a thousand miles from where it made landfall.”…”The alarm bells are clanging.”

So, Marks thinks unusual weather is “freakish” and “evidence” of human-caused CO2-fueled global warming, and that our use of fossil fuels and the Continue reading “Sierra Club’s Ignorance Revealed in the Winter 2021 Editorial”

Very Low Dew Points in the Borderland Region

Precursor to the Midwest’s Severe Weather

 Robert W. Endlich
Image by Pixabay

 At the end of March 2023, a storm system was moving from the Rocky Mountain states eastward into the Great Plains. One clue as to the severity of the convective storms to come to the tornado-prone Midwest was the very dry weather in New Mexico, indicated by very low dew point temperatures. This post explains why the dry air in New Mexico and adjacent areas in the US and Mexico is an essential component of the severe Continue reading “Very Low Dew Points in the Borderland Region”

Continuation of Present Warming NOT an “EXISTENTIAL THREAT”

Proxy Temperatures & Historical Records show continuation of the present warming is NOT an “EXISTENTIAL THREAT” to humans

 Robert W. Endlich

US President Joe Biden has declared

“Climate change is literally an existential threat to our nation and to the world.”

By this he means

“human-caused, CO2-fueled global warming,”

Image by Pixabay

and he presumes that humans can pass “climate legislation” to regulate the climate.  While this view is popular in Media, Government, and the Academy (academia,) I show that it is without foundation.

Here’s the United Nations with a similar story on this same subject:

“… (the) UN Secretary-General insisted that unless governments everywhere reassess their energy policies, the world will be uninhabitable.” Continue reading “Continuation of Present Warming NOT an “EXISTENTIAL THREAT””