Preview and Analysis of “Climate: The Movie”

Robert W. Endlich

I was very pleased to be able to view and comment on the sequel to “The Great Global Warming Swindle,” (GGWS), a serial documentary directed by the UK’s Martin Durkin and released by Channel 4 in the UK in 2007. The sequel, released in 2024, is “Climate: The Movie.”


It is useful to introduce “Climate: The Movie” by describing how the enemies of Martin Durkin, GGWS, and skeptics of climate alarm label the video and its director, Martin Durkin.  A good example of this is in the Wikipedia listing for GGWS.

Figure 1. The Wikipedia listing for “The Great Global Warming Swindle,” taken from the Presentation Graphics. This listing exemplifies the profound ignorance of Big Tech and the so-called “educated elites,” in these specific topics: “scientific consensus,” they’re resorting to name calling “deniers” and “climate change denial.”

The previous phrase, “enemies of Martin Durkin,” might be too limiting. Writ large, this group also includes many/most left-leaning members of society. Some call them the “educated elites;” they include many in Government, Continue reading “Preview and Analysis of “Climate: The Movie””

More Evidence of Deep State Interference in the 2020 Election

Robert W Endlich

In late 2020 I wrote, “ Blatant Examples: Massive Vote Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election,”  which reported on vote and voter fraud in the 2020 “election” of Joe Biden to be US President.

Image by Pixabay

Among the many topics in that 2020 post [that] are prescient of the over three years and counting developments we see today, are the examples showing another truth about election fraud.  Rather than being “stand alone” voting machines whose duties are solely to record the vote, there are examples which show that either the machines were on the Internet and subject to off-site manipulation or were manipulated by persons unknown who had unauthorized access to the machines.

I wrote then, that in Antrim County, Michigan, an audit showed that the Continue reading “More Evidence of Deep State Interference in the 2020 Election”

A Critique of the Fifth National Climate Assessment

The Fifth National Climate Assessment, NCA5: It is Full of Bogus Claims 

Robert W. Endlich
Image by Pixabay

On 14 November 2023 the office of President Biden released a video of him praising the publication of the Fifth National Climate Assessment, a report required every four years by the Global Change Research Act of 1990. Some of the graphics in Biden’s video proclaim, “Historic Climate Action,” a daft, in my opinion, notion that humans, led by the population of the United States, through supposedly legal (Congressional), Administrative, Executive and Judicial Continue reading “A Critique of the Fifth National Climate Assessment”

Another BS Claim from another New York politician — Gov Kathy Hochul

“Climate Change means New York City’s flooding is ‘new normal,’ Governor says.”

Robert W. Endlich 

An extract of this 30 Sep 2023 story by Reuters summarizes what we need to know about Gov. Hochul’s claim:

“Torrential downpours that caused flash flooding in New York City on Friday reflect a ‘new normal’ due to the effects of climate change, New York Governor Kathy Hochul warned on Saturday, as the city began drying out after one of its wettest days ever.”

“Almost eight inches of rain fell in some parts of the most populous U.S. city, enough to enable a sea lion at the Central Park Zoo to swim briefly out of the confines of her pool enclosure.”

Image courtesy of Pixabay

My interpretation:  When a politician mentions “climate change,” that politician means “Human-Caused, CO2-fueled Global Warming,” and the presumption that humans can therefore control the temperature of the earth and the level of the sea by controlling us, and our use of petroleum-based fuels.

But humans do not and cannot now change the temperature of earth, or the level of the sea.

So, why do I call this…

“Another BS Claim from another New York Politician?” Continue reading “Another BS Claim from another New York politician — Gov Kathy Hochul”

The Fake Climate Consensus

John Stossel

We are told climate change is a crisis, and that there is an “overwhelming scientific consensus.”

[This post was found on where it was published on August 09, 2023.  It is being reproduced here under the Fair Use Doctrine.  Ed.]

“It’s a manufactured consensus,” says climate scientist Judith Curry in my new video.  She says scientists have an incentive to exaggerate risk to

Source: Bigstock

pursue “fame and fortune.”

She knows about that because she once spread alarm about climate change.

Media loved her when she published a study that seemed to show a dramatic increase in hurricane intensity.

“We found that the percent of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes had doubled,” says Curry. “This was picked up by the media,” and then climate alarmists realized, “Oh, here is the way to do it.  Tie extreme weather events to global warming!” Continue reading “The Fake Climate Consensus”