TIME Magazine’s 2022 Feature Article, “Earth, Inc” …

“Ignorance Posing as Journalism”  

Robert W. Endlich

Once again, an old magazine in a doctor’s office waiting room was fertile ground for this month’s topic, “TIME Magazine’s 2022 feature article, ‘Earth, Inc’ …Ignorance Posing as Journalism.”

TIME’s 25 Apr/ 2 May 2022 print edition is the source of an absurd article on the alleged climate crisis, supposed journalist-experts waxing, in what they think is eloquent prose, the proclamation that a human-caused, CO2-fueled ‘climate crisis’ is upon us.  In this feature, they write,

“For better or worse, corporations are more involved than ever in how the world handles the climate crisis.”

Image by Pixabay

The puffery of journalist self-importance starts with a leading editorial by Edward Felsenthal, a Princeton Grad, TIME Editor-in-Chief and CEO, who announces a new TIME division, CO2, bringing

“a climate action program…to help guide every sized business, including ours, in becoming net (CO2 emission) zero and nature positive.”

The article itself is written by self-proclaimed Climate Expert Justin Worland, a Harvard History major who among countless others in Government, The Academy, and now in seemingly overwhelming numbers Continue reading “TIME Magazine’s 2022 Feature Article, “Earth, Inc” …”

It’s madness, madness, madness, there is no climate emergency

“Although they say the science is settled! In fact, the science is never settled . . .”

Dick Reaney

Labels: Climate RealismDick ReaneyGlobal warming alarmism

Dick Reaney

Climate Change is normal and natural and has gone on for millions of years without any help from the human race. The scaremongering now going on by the media, politicians and climate alarmists, is so utterly misguided to be nothing but tragic. That we have an End of the World scenario is Continue reading “It’s madness, madness, madness, there is no climate emergency”

A New Look at NOAA’s Alleged Cat 5 Strength for 2018’s Hurricane Michael

‘More evidence that Hurricane Michael was definitely NOT a Category FIVE storm at landfall.’

Robert W. Endlich
Image courtesy of Pixabay

In late September 2022 Category Four Hurricane Ian struck southwest Florida bringing death and destruction to southwest Florida. Ian’s arrival and wind damage spurred me to take another look at when 2018’s Hurricane Michael struck the Panhandle of Florida, and NOAA’s 2019 declaration that Michael was a Category Five storm at landfall.

This is my new look at Hurricane Michael’s winds and NOAA’s 2019 report. Continue reading “A New Look at NOAA’s Alleged Cat 5 Strength for 2018’s Hurricane Michael”

The Imaginary Climate Crisis – How can we Change the Message?

Richard S. Lindzen
Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Sciences, MIT

[This essay is a slightly extended version of a lecture delivered to a joint zoom meeting of the Irish Climate Science Forum and CLINTEL on March 31, 2021.]

For about 33 years, many of us have been battling against climate hysteria. We have correctly noted

The exaggerated sensitivity,

The role of other processes and natural internal variability,

Image by Pixabay

The inconsistency with the paleoclimate record,

The absence of evidence for increased extremes, droughts, floods, wild-fires, and so on.

We have also pointed out the very real benefits of CO2 and even of modest warming.  And, as concerns government policies, we have been pretty ineffective.  Indeed our efforts have done little other than to show (incorrectly) that we take the threat scenario seriously.  In this talk, I want to make a tentative analysis of our failure.

In punching away at the clear shortcomings of the narrative of climate Continue reading “The Imaginary Climate Crisis – How can we Change the Message?”

The End of an Era – Vale Patrick Michaels


By jennifer Marohasy

[This post by Jennifer Marohasy originally appeared on her blog site on 20 July 2022.  It is reproduced here under the fair use doctrine.  Ed]

There was a time when it was possible to point out an error by way of a rebuttal published as a note in a scientific journal – even in the journal Nature, even when it went against the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming agenda. The late Patrick Michaels had a note published back in 1996 (vol. 384, pg. 522) explaining that there was a major error in research findings by Ben Santer – findings so significant they underpinned the key claim in the second IPCC report that ‘The balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate.’

Pat Michaels’ career spanned the emergence of global warming as the Continue reading “The End of an Era – Vale Patrick Michaels”