A Year Later: Alarmism, and Claims the Pacific Northwest’s Heat Wave was Human-Caused

Robert W. Endlich
Image by Jose Antonio Alba from Pixabay

In late June 2021 a well-publicized heat wave occurred in the Pacific Northwest states of the USA.  I write this review a year later with a full year having passed for retrospection to examine what happened, in hopes that we might learn some lessons.

One NPR story captured a headline and narrative that puts many elements of Global Warming Alarmism up for critical examination.  The headline,

“Climate Change Is Driving Deadly Weather Disasters From Arizona To Mumbai,”

dated 29 Jul 2021 introduces a storyline put forth by NPR’s Climate Team Continue reading “A Year Later: Alarmism, and Claims the Pacific Northwest’s Heat Wave was Human-Caused”

El Nino and La Nina: The Controls on Rainfall and Drought in the Western USA

Robert W. Endlich

“It is not necessary to believe false CO2 theory and stories to understand the wild weather in the wild West . . .”

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Have you ever wondered why weather-related news stories from the western USA seem to go from hot, dry weather, droughts, extensive wildfires, and forest fires to the other extreme: heavy rainfall seemingly for days on end, often with cliffside houses washing from their perches into the Pacific Ocean? On-line stories are often accompanied with illustrative video. There is a seemingly never-ending string of weather-related stories carrying western datelines, seemingly varying from dry to drenching, from one extreme to another.

Sometimes climate alarmists claim this is an artifact of our use of fossil fuels, and we are causing these wild excursions because of the increasing amounts of the trace gas CO2 in the atmosphere.

The Questions

“Are we causing these excursions?”

“What is going on here?”

Answers. Starting with some History

Clues come from the history of the Spanish-speaking fishermen who plied Continue reading “El Nino and La Nina: The Controls on Rainfall and Drought in the Western USA”

Another False Climate Alarm

There’s no imminent climate threat to southern New Mexico’s famous chile-producing region

 Robert W. Endlich

A recent “news feature” in Las Cruces’ Sun-News was full of gloom, portraying a picture of approaching “climate uncertainty” for New

Image by wolvesandbears from Pixabay

Mexico’s beloved chile pepper crop, because of purported looming drought and increasing temperatures, with a subtext of human-caused CO2-fueled global warming. The front-page article, by Leah Romero from New Mexico in Depth, was accompanied with a foreboding graph and story, showing seemingly unending upward temperatures, copy below, with an aura of authority. After all, the data came from New Mexico’s Land Grant College, Continue reading “Another False Climate Alarm”

2019’s Fires in the Amazon—What the Media Did NOT Tell Us

Robert W. Endlich

” . . . the video short by TIME packs more falsehoods and deliberately misleading statements in such a short period of time, it seems to be establishing its own record of Fake News infamy.”

Amazon River with rain forest. Image by Helena Cuerva from Pixabay

Maybe it was the tweet issued on 22 August 2019, two days prior to the G7 meeting in Biarritz France, by French President Emmanuel Macron, that focused the main-stream media on “fires in the Amazon.” Macron’s appeal to the G7 principals may have been made with good intentions, but it was soon discovered that the image allegedly of the burning Amazon rain forest was taken by the late photographer Loren McIntyre who passed away in 2003, which meant that the photo used by Macron was at least sixteen years old!

The UK Express wrote that the photo used by Macron might even have been from McIntyre’s reports from the Amazon for National Continue reading “2019’s Fires in the Amazon—What the Media Did NOT Tell Us”

Incredibly Poor Climate Forecasts made for Las Cruces and New Mexico

By Robert W. Endlich

Las Cruces is home to New Mexico’s Land Grant school, New Mexico State University, ostensibly home of The Educated, but some of the climate pronouncements by climate alarmists here have proven to be terribly wrong.

Image from Pixabay

Las Cruces, situated in southern New Mexico, is only an hour’s drive from El Paso, Texas, and is located both in the Mountain West and in the Chihuahuan Desert.  As such, it lies in the area where cold season precipitation patterns are governed by the related weather events El Nino Southern Oscillation and its 60-year-long big cousin, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.

These readily known facts seemingly mean little to the alarmists who Continue reading “Incredibly Poor Climate Forecasts made for Las Cruces and New Mexico”