Data denier, [James] “Hansen says the science is settled and there are no data which contradict the alarmist view of imminent catastrophic [global mean] temperature change and tipping points. Hansen can’t accept the fact that measurements, observations, facts and data show that present temperatures are quite ordinary and that the rates of temperature change are among the smallest of the past 10,000 years, despite present CO2 concentrations.”
This item describes interactions between Bob Endlich and data denier, James Hansen, at The Santa Fe Institute in 2013 during, and
subsequent to, a presentation there by Hansen. In response to a question about inconsistencies between the measured data and Hansen’s alarmist contentions, Hansen chose to deny the data. At the time, Hansen was the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies; he has since retired from that post. We are reproducing Bob’s account of the exchange here for the archives.
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