El Nino and La Nina: The Controls on Rainfall and Drought in the Western USA

Robert W. Endlich

“It is not necessary to believe false CO2 theory and stories to understand the wild weather in the wild West . . .”

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Have you ever wondered why weather-related news stories from the western USA seem to go from hot, dry weather, droughts, extensive wildfires, and forest fires to the other extreme: heavy rainfall seemingly for days on end, often with cliffside houses washing from their perches into the Pacific Ocean? On-line stories are often accompanied with illustrative video. There is a seemingly never-ending string of weather-related stories carrying western datelines, seemingly varying from dry to drenching, from one extreme to another.

Sometimes climate alarmists claim this is an artifact of our use of fossil fuels, and we are causing these wild excursions because of the increasing amounts of the trace gas CO2 in the atmosphere.

The Questions

“Are we causing these excursions?”

“What is going on here?”

Answers. Starting with some History

Clues come from the history of the Spanish-speaking fishermen who plied Continue reading “El Nino and La Nina: The Controls on Rainfall and Drought in the Western USA”

Facebook Censorship of CASF

Robert W. Endlich

 [So, it appears as if the Facebook part of Big Tech is dredging newspapers’ opinion pages, looking for people who criticize the polemic of human-caused CO2-fueled global warming catastrophe.]

This post contains a series of four documents, starting with a 3 May 2019 Letter to the Editor of the Las Cruces Sun-News by CASF member, Fran Lavery, and ends with Facebook censoring my views.

Face Book Clip Art

Intermediate steps include a 12 May 2019 Letter to the Editor of the Sun News from Climate Activist Peter Kuntz of Northglenn, Colorado, and my Comment, taking Kuntz to task, and now, recently discovered (June 2021) Facebook actions to prevent my Comment from achieving widespread notice.

Today’s post shows Facebook is censoring views it does not like.

The sequence below brings directly to CASF, our members and friends, and other curious individuals, proof that Big Tech, rather than fostering Continue reading “Facebook Censorship of CASF”

The many follies of Biden’s Climate Plan and his Earth Day Anniversary Climate Summit

Robert W. Endlich

The notion that the USA can cut in half its CO2 emissions from the peak emissions that occurred here in 2005 is fantasy.

President Joe Biden held a virtual climate summit on the fifty-first anniversary of the first Earth Day, originally held 22 April 1970.  When confronted with facts, measurements, observations, and data concerning
climate history, Biden’s climate plan is based on trying to prevent temperature increases which have occurred naturally many times in the recent past.  This post will explore some of the most ill-informed and ignorant statements, plans, and actions, which all together will have no measurable impact on the climate, and will only cause economic harm to us, Earth’s human residents.


Let’s start with the fact that since that first Earth Day, not a single Continue reading “The many follies of Biden’s Climate Plan and his Earth Day Anniversary Climate Summit”

Materials Acquisition for Global Industrial Change


Paul DriessenPaul Driessen

 Via executive orders, regulatory edicts and partisan Green New Deal legislation, President Biden intends to slash US carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent below their 2005 peak by 2030, and eliminate them (and fossil fuel use) by 2050. But, as AOC’s former chief of staff noted, the GND is not just about transforming America’s energy

Materials Acquisition for Global Industrial Change
Source: AP Photo/Evan Vucci

system; it’s about changing the entire economy.

[This article was original posted on Townhall.com on May 02, 2021 12:01 AM.  It is reproduced here with the  permission of the author.  Ed.]

This radical transformation is driven by three fundamental articles of faith, none of them based on reality.

The crisis of manmade climate cataclysms necessitates this GND. Natural forces no longer play a role. Rising temperatures since the Little Ice Age Continue reading “Materials Acquisition for Global Industrial Change”

An analysis of the 17 April 2018 NMSU Climate “Education” presentation by Dr David Dubois

Robert W. Endlich

… a patchwork of stories where propaganda and misinformation are presented as fact.


For the lead presentation of a series which was purported to bring “Climate Education” to interested members of the Las Cruces, NM and New Mexico State University communities, Dave DuBois starts off with an emotional appeal to the audience, not a fact-based introduction. The link to his presentation is at https://sustainability.nmsu.edu/nmsuccess/ scroll to the bottom.

His subsequent sequence is filled with a patchwork of stories where propaganda and misinformation are presented as fact. Sometimes Dr. DuBois mentions tools of the trade in understanding climate history, including ice core proxies, sedimentation records, and natural climate cycles, including El Nino-Southern Oscillation and the Pacific Continue reading “An analysis of the 17 April 2018 NMSU Climate “Education” presentation by Dr David Dubois”