About Recent Words from Richard Lindzen

Robert W. Endlich

We have posted on this forum two recent essays by Richard Lindzen, the first, The Imaginary Climate Crisis – How can we Change the Message? from Clintel, and the second, An Assessment of the Conventional Global Warming Narrative, originally from London’s Global Warming Policy Foundation. I presented my analysis of the high points of Lindzen’s essays, along with some comments to bring these topics home, especially to those

Emeritus MIT Professor Richard S. Lindzen

of us in southern New Mexico, and also, from the world of operational meteorology.

Here is a small, but hopefully representative, sample of some of Lindzen’s most important thoughts, and some comments.

Lindzen properly says:

“…the whole narrative is pretty absurd.”

and in his writing, he goes on to provide the data and his reasoning for why Continue reading “About Recent Words from Richard Lindzen”

Post-Hurricane Ida’s deadly rain event in New York City

Natural Rainfall, Excessive Runoff, and Lousy Drainage, Not Human-Caused CO2-fueled Global Warming 

By Robert W. Endlich

As the remnants of what, days before, had been Hurricane Ida passed by the New York City Metro area the evening of 1 Sep 2021, the skies opened up and in spots it poured, as an anticipated heavy rain event crossed the region near sunset.  Thunderstorms, fed by water vapor evaporating from

Image by Pixabay

historically the warmest waters of the year offshore, in New York Bay and the nearby Atlantic Ocean, even brought some tornadoes as the unstable air was made even more unstable by convergence of the air at the surface. Overwater winds came onshore to terrain filled with high-rise apartments and skyscrapers built to enable the highest numbers of humans to live and work in the New York City Metropolitan Area, home to over 8 million souls, Continue reading “Post-Hurricane Ida’s deadly rain event in New York City”

The many follies of Biden’s Climate Plan and his Earth Day Anniversary Climate Summit

Robert W. Endlich

The notion that the USA can cut in half its CO2 emissions from the peak emissions that occurred here in 2005 is fantasy.

President Joe Biden held a virtual climate summit on the fifty-first anniversary of the first Earth Day, originally held 22 April 1970.  When confronted with facts, measurements, observations, and data concerning
climate history, Biden’s climate plan is based on trying to prevent temperature increases which have occurred naturally many times in the recent past.  This post will explore some of the most ill-informed and ignorant statements, plans, and actions, which all together will have no measurable impact on the climate, and will only cause economic harm to us, Earth’s human residents.


Let’s start with the fact that since that first Earth Day, not a single Continue reading “The many follies of Biden’s Climate Plan and his Earth Day Anniversary Climate Summit”

Media hypes new 130°F Death Valley Temperature – but it’s still short of the 134°F all-time record

Anthony Watts

On Sunday, August 16th the National Weather Service in Las Vegas, Nevada sent out a Tweet highlighting a new maximum daily temperature of 130°F in Death Valley:


Predictably, the media jumped on this number with the Los Angeles Times saying “…possibly the highest mercury reading on Earth since 1913“. Even the Continue reading “Media hypes new 130°F Death Valley Temperature – but it’s still short of the 134°F all-time record”

I’m a ‘scientist’ — a label that has lost its luster

Art Robinson, Ph.D.
Dr. Art Robinson, Ph.D.

By Art Robinson, Ph.D.

Art Robinson, Ph.D., calls out those using the “scientist” descriptor to spread fear among us

“Let’s Send a Scientist to the Oregon Senate” headlines a flier for my State Senate campaign. We are considering dropping “Scientist.”

Scientists enjoy learning new facts about the physical world. They have been respected largely because some of their discoveries have led to Continue reading “I’m a ‘scientist’ — a label that has lost its luster”