TIME Magazine’s 2022 Feature Article, “Earth, Inc” …

“Ignorance Posing as Journalism”  

Robert W. Endlich

Once again, an old magazine in a doctor’s office waiting room was fertile ground for this month’s topic, “TIME Magazine’s 2022 feature article, ‘Earth, Inc’ …Ignorance Posing as Journalism.”

TIME’s 25 Apr/ 2 May 2022 print edition is the source of an absurd article on the alleged climate crisis, supposed journalist-experts waxing, in what they think is eloquent prose, the proclamation that a human-caused, CO2-fueled ‘climate crisis’ is upon us.  In this feature, they write,

“For better or worse, corporations are more involved than ever in how the world handles the climate crisis.”

Image by Pixabay

The puffery of journalist self-importance starts with a leading editorial by Edward Felsenthal, a Princeton Grad, TIME Editor-in-Chief and CEO, who announces a new TIME division, CO2, bringing

“a climate action program…to help guide every sized business, including ours, in becoming net (CO2 emission) zero and nature positive.”

The article itself is written by self-proclaimed Climate Expert Justin Worland, a Harvard History major who among countless others in Government, The Academy, and now in seemingly overwhelming numbers Continue reading “TIME Magazine’s 2022 Feature Article, “Earth, Inc” …”

It’s madness, madness, madness, there is no climate emergency

“Although they say the science is settled! In fact, the science is never settled . . .”

Dick Reaney

Labels: Climate RealismDick ReaneyGlobal warming alarmism

Dick Reaney

Climate Change is normal and natural and has gone on for millions of years without any help from the human race. The scaremongering now going on by the media, politicians and climate alarmists, is so utterly misguided to be nothing but tragic. That we have an End of the World scenario is Continue reading “It’s madness, madness, madness, there is no climate emergency”

An analysis of the 17 April 2018 NMSU Climate “Education” presentation by Dr David Dubois

Robert W. Endlich

… a patchwork of stories where propaganda and misinformation are presented as fact.


For the lead presentation of a series which was purported to bring “Climate Education” to interested members of the Las Cruces, NM and New Mexico State University communities, Dave DuBois starts off with an emotional appeal to the audience, not a fact-based introduction. The link to his presentation is at https://sustainability.nmsu.edu/nmsuccess/ scroll to the bottom.

His subsequent sequence is filled with a patchwork of stories where propaganda and misinformation are presented as fact. Sometimes Dr. DuBois mentions tools of the trade in understanding climate history, including ice core proxies, sedimentation records, and natural climate cycles, including El Nino-Southern Oscillation and the Pacific Continue reading “An analysis of the 17 April 2018 NMSU Climate “Education” presentation by Dr David Dubois”

An evening lecture with Alarmist Katharine Hayhoe

By Robert W. Endlich

Las Cruces is home to New Mexico State University, New Mexico’s Land-Grant college.  When I attended my first of the NMSU Climate Change Education Seminar Series presentations, I found that it’s funded by Climate Alarmist Senator Tom Udall, (D-NM). A news release announced the 6 Feb 2019 lecture guest presenter was Katharine Hayhoe, from Texas Tech.

I had previously istened to Dr. Hayhoe on NPR’s broadcast of The Commonwealth Club, supposedly non-partisan,  anything but,  and

Typical university lecture hall. Source unknown.

heavy into the gloom and doom climate alarmist narrative, as I previously noted here.

The topic for her 6 Feb 2019 lecture was, “Barriers to Public Acceptance of Climate Science, Impacts, and Solutions.”

Katharine Hayhoe presents an earnest, wholesome, almost rural and folksy image such as this one from the Guardian, showing smiling Katharine with the windmill in the background.

To prepare for attending Dr Hayhoe’s lecture, I watched one of her previous Continue reading “An evening lecture with Alarmist Katharine Hayhoe”

Why the Right should espouse climate-realism

By Grégoire Canlorbe, Vice President of the Parti National-Libéral

[Update:  December 2021. Since many years, already, Grégoire Canlorbe is now totally retired from politics and no longer has any responsibility in any political party. His ideas also have much evolved since this article, which he doesn’t endorse anymore.]

[This article, which originally appeared on Wattsupwiththat.com on 20 July 2018, is being published with the permission of the author. Ed.]

The agreement of the Paris COP 21 was not signed to save the planet and to prevent us from roasting due to an imaginary temperature increase of +2°C. Behind all that masquerade is hidden, as always, the ugly face of power, greed, and profit. All the industrialists who are in favor of that commitment, which will ruin Europe and immensely impoverish its citizens, do so for the good reason they find in it a huge and easy source of income. As for NGOs, when they are not simply motivated by greed, their motive consists in a resolutely Malthusian ideology. Their object is to return the world to a very small population, on the order of a few hundred million people. To do so, they impoverish the world, remove the power of fossil fuel energies, and thus ensure that the number of deaths increases.”

Professor István Markó (1956 – 2017)

The eminent Davos man that is Emmanuel Macron does not only profess his faith in cosmopolitanism—namely, the refusal of sovereign Continue reading “Why the Right should espouse climate-realism”