A Year Later: Alarmism, and Claims the Pacific Northwest’s Heat Wave was Human-Caused

Robert W. Endlich
Image by Jose Antonio Alba from Pixabay

In late June 2021 a well-publicized heat wave occurred in the Pacific Northwest states of the USA.  I write this review a year later with a full year having passed for retrospection to examine what happened, in hopes that we might learn some lessons.

One NPR story captured a headline and narrative that puts many elements of Global Warming Alarmism up for critical examination.  The headline,

“Climate Change Is Driving Deadly Weather Disasters From Arizona To Mumbai,”

dated 29 Jul 2021 introduces a storyline put forth by NPR’s Climate Team Continue reading “A Year Later: Alarmism, and Claims the Pacific Northwest’s Heat Wave was Human-Caused”

Explaining Mauna Loa CO2 Increases with Anthropogenic and Natural Influences

by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.  

[This post first appeared on Dr. Spencer’s web site (here) on 9 April 2022.  We have reproduced it on our web site for the purpose of education and discussion under the fair use doctrine. Ed.]

Image by Pixabay

The proper way of looking for causal relationships between time series data (e.g. between atmospheric CO2 and temperature) is discussed. While statistical analysis alone is unlikely to provide “proof” of causation, use of the ‘master equation’ is shown to avoid common pitfalls.  Correlation analysis of natural and anthropogenic forcings with year-on-year changes in Mauna Loa CO2 suggest a role for increasing global temperature at least partially explaining observed changes in CO2, but purely statistical analysis cannot tie down the magnitude. One statistically-based model using anthropogenic and natural forcings suggests ~15% of the rise in CO2 being due to natural factors with an excellent match between model and observations for COVID-19 related downturn in global economic activity in 2020.


The record of atmospheric CO2 concentration at Mauna Loa, Hawaii since 1959 is the longest continuous record we have of actual (not inferred) Continue reading “Explaining Mauna Loa CO2 Increases with Anthropogenic and Natural Influences”

CRITIQUE of the June 2021 AARP Bulletin: “Climate Change and You”

Robert W. Endlich

A few months ago, I picked up the June 2021 issue of the AARP BULLETIN. What greeted me was inch-high letters blaring the title of their feature article: “CLIMATE CHANGE AND YOU; Extreme Weather Is Affecting Older Americans’ Daily Life…”

On the front cover, four huge images, vivid color photos: white-shirted man on rooftop looking into a wildfire in southern California, flood victims of Hurricane Florence in an overloaded boat in South Carolina, woman in jeans and white shirt in Mississippi assessing damage after Hurricane Katrina, and a view of slushy streets in Texas, February 2021.


Figure 1. Screenshot of the AARP BULLETIN’s front cover graphics for the feature article, ”What You Need to Know About Climate Change.” The authors don’t know it but, what they are really describing is wild weather, part of the climate we have. AARP’s ignorance starts right here, with this cover graphic.

The photos are dramatic, of course, classic emotional appeals by the media. But I thought,

“Is AARP subliminally trying to tell us that wildfires are new Continue reading “CRITIQUE of the June 2021 AARP Bulletin: “Climate Change and You””

Materials Acquisition for Global Industrial Change


Paul DriessenPaul Driessen

 Via executive orders, regulatory edicts and partisan Green New Deal legislation, President Biden intends to slash US carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent below their 2005 peak by 2030, and eliminate them (and fossil fuel use) by 2050. But, as AOC’s former chief of staff noted, the GND is not just about transforming America’s energy

Materials Acquisition for Global Industrial Change
Source: AP Photo/Evan Vucci

system; it’s about changing the entire economy.

[This article was original posted on Townhall.com on May 02, 2021 12:01 AM.  It is reproduced here with the  permission of the author.  Ed.]

This radical transformation is driven by three fundamental articles of faith, none of them based on reality.

The crisis of manmade climate cataclysms necessitates this GND. Natural forces no longer play a role. Rising temperatures since the Little Ice Age Continue reading “Materials Acquisition for Global Industrial Change”

An analysis of the 17 April 2018 NMSU Climate “Education” presentation by Dr David Dubois

Robert W. Endlich

… a patchwork of stories where propaganda and misinformation are presented as fact.


For the lead presentation of a series which was purported to bring “Climate Education” to interested members of the Las Cruces, NM and New Mexico State University communities, Dave DuBois starts off with an emotional appeal to the audience, not a fact-based introduction. The link to his presentation is at https://sustainability.nmsu.edu/nmsuccess/ scroll to the bottom.

His subsequent sequence is filled with a patchwork of stories where propaganda and misinformation are presented as fact. Sometimes Dr. DuBois mentions tools of the trade in understanding climate history, including ice core proxies, sedimentation records, and natural climate cycles, including El Nino-Southern Oscillation and the Pacific Continue reading “An analysis of the 17 April 2018 NMSU Climate “Education” presentation by Dr David Dubois”