Weather, not human-caused CO2-fueled global warming, is responsible for 2017’s damaging wildfire history in California

By Robert W. Endlich

The year 2017 featured incredibly intense, damaging wildfires in California. First the Wine Country fires of October, and later, in December, the massive Thomas Fire, each destroyed hundreds of homes.  The latter, in many of the affluent suburbs and enclaves northwest of Los Angeles and Hollywood.  The Thomas Fire is the largest in modern California history with over 1000 structures destroyed.

California’s Governor Jerry Brown blamed human-caused CO2-fueled

Satellite Photo of Thomas Fire, California (Wikipedia, 2017)

global warming for this conflagration during a visit to Ventura County on 9 December, saying the drought conditions were the “new normal.” To quote the governor, “There have (historically) been very long droughts in California and we are getting some of those returning very bad, and we’re going to get them returning more often.”


But, Governor Brown is just wrong about this, as an examination of some meteorological and climate data shows:

Continue reading “Weather, not human-caused CO2-fueled global warming, is responsible for 2017’s damaging wildfire history in California”

“Recent Downpours Increasing!” …never mind, it’s another alarmist claim, demolished by careful observation”

[Author Note: This post is an extension of the 18 November 2017 presentation to the Cruces Atmospheric Sciences Forum, the graphics of which are available at the CASF web site here.]

By Robert W. Endlich

One of the claims of climate alarmists is, “recent downpours (are) increasing,” which is purported evidence of human-caused CO2-fueled global warming. One such reference is from the National Climate Assessment, and is accompanied with figures which show observations in the USA demonstrating this.



Continue reading ““Recent Downpours Increasing!” …never mind, it’s another alarmist claim, demolished by careful observation””

Hurricane Harvey: Fossil Fuels No Factor

[Note:  This post was submitted by Bob Endlich to the Las Cruces Sun-News as an Op Ed column in response to a weekly column by Algernon D’amassa,  this one  saying that Hurricane Harvey was made worse by human activities.  It was declined by the Sun-News editor, because he was afraid that it would generate too many responses from the alarmist camp.  We believe that this is nothing more than “soft censorship” another way to describe censorship,  accompanied by a nonsensical explanation. Ed.]

Bob Endlich

Algernon D’Amassa is wrong by saying Hurricane Harvey was made worse by humans, mentioning sea level rise, warmer seas, and stronger storms.

No data show that Hurricane Harvey was made stronger by the use of fossil fuels; in fact, ready availability of, and use of, fossil fuels made a dangerous storm less so, as explained below, comparing Harvey with Galveston’s 1900 Hurricane.

Sea Levels were higher 5000, 2000 and 1000 years ago, histories of castles, forts, cities, and towns now some distance from the water show this: in Ur, in present Iraq, in the Battle of Thermopylae, in the Notitia Continue reading “Hurricane Harvey: Fossil Fuels No Factor”

@NPR Bungles Sea Level Rise Story

[This is a reprint of an article that originally appeared in the blog and was authored by CASF member, Bob Endlich.  We have added  it to the May 2017 Archive directory.]

Guest Blogger / May 11, 2017

Supposed threats to coastal military installations ignore science

By Bob Endlich

“Data from CO2 measuring stations and from the Sewell’s Point and all other tide gages may clearly refute these assertions, but NPR and its colleagues will not change their minds.”

“The Sewell’s Point tide gage shows that the rate of sea level rise has not changed since the gage was installed in 1927, and is unchanged from our use of fossil fuels. It’s time to base our policies on sound science, instead of manmade global warming fiction and scare stories.”

National Public Radio’s March 31 “Morning Edition” program carried a “news” story claiming that rising seas threaten a number of U.S. coastal Continue reading “@NPR Bungles Sea Level Rise Story”

Global Warming – Listener’s Dissenting View: Climate One | KRWG by Bob Endlich

The data I show here demonstrates the claims by CLIMATE ONE and their parent organization, the Commonwealth Club, are refuted by data and publications in the public domain. Claims of the “Settled Science” of catastrophic warming are without foundation, if you look at the data. In science, the debate is never over and the science is never settled.