Another Feature for CASF, “New Visitors.”

Robert W. Endlich

Suggestions from some CASF members to introduce visitors to the non-problem of catastrophic, human-caused, CO2-fueled “Global Warming” ( since the warming of the 1980s and 1990s stopped about 1998, the name needed to be changed to “Climate Change” ) have led us to a new feature, “New Visitors” short for, “New Visitors Start Here.”

Courtesy of Pixabay

The idea is to provide a short introductory paragraph (or two) and a series of links to take new visitors on a tour of many of the false claims of imminent climate catastrophe through links to short topics which demonstrate this folly. Our use of fossil fuels is causing an increase in atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, CO2 for short, but an elementary knowledge of high school chemistry, biology, general science and mathematics shows that the Continue reading “Another Feature for CASF, “New Visitors.””

Cold Weather Did Not Create the Modern World

By Roger McKinney

[This article was originally posted on Apr 05, 2019 at and is reproduced here under the fair use doctrine.  Ed.]

Cold Weather Did Not Create The Modern World
Source: NASA via AP

The birth of Christ was the most important event in human history. Second to it was the hockey stick growth in per capita GDP (standards of living) that began with the creation of the Dutch Republic in the late 16th century. Most know it as the Industrial Revolution, which socialists claim impoverished and enslaved mankind, but it was much more than that. It was a revolution in culture, including the laws, government, religion, social structure and attitudes toward business.

Economists call it hockey stick growth because a graph of per capita GDP for the world would be almost perfectly flat from pre-history until 1600 when Continue reading “Cold Weather Did Not Create the Modern World”

Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) with a Doubling of CO2

by Bernie McCune

[Note:  This post is based on a presentation by Bernie McCune given at the 16 March 2019 meeting of the Cruces Atmospheric Sciences Forum in Las Cruces, NM. Ed.]

It has been 40 years this year since the Charney Report was published with a number of proposals for what CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere from sources would likely do to global surface temperatures or so-called anthropogenic global warming.  Similarly, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was formed about that same time to determine the effects of human activity on global temperature.

Over the next few decades a large number of models (at least 73) were developed to show what these effects might be and terms for the models were devised.

Two of these terms, Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) and Transient Climate Response (TCR), were developed.  The ECS was the term that Continue reading “Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) with a Doubling of CO2”

A case of nigh-criminal hypocrisy

Disputing Sixty Minutes’ deceptive feature on Kids’ Climate Change Lawsuit.

[Note:  This article is also available at Master Resource.  Ed.]

Robert W. Endlich

On 3 March 2019 the popular CBS Sixty Minutes newsmagazine featured a story on the Climate Kids’ lawsuit Juliana vs. the United States. It included a feature-length segment by CBS Correspondent Steve Croft, and smaller segments in the “Sixty Minutes Overtime” also directly available at the same link.

I invite you to read this analysis – and then watch the “news” and think critically about it.

Northern Spotted Owl. Photo by Pixabay

Unlike the segments themselves, my descriptions of them are arguments based on data, not emotion.

It starts in the 1990s with the young woman at the center of this lawsuit, whose name is also the title of the lawsuit, Juliana. Her full name is Kelsey Cascadia Rose Juliana; she was 5 weeks old when her parents were involved in the Pacific Northwest “timber wars” over the “endangered” Northern Spotted Owl. Along with 20 other kids or “young adults,” Juliana is now following in her parents’ footsteps, blazing her own litigation trails.

As Figure 1 summarizes, the Northern Spotted Owl decision resulted in a Continue reading “A case of nigh-criminal hypocrisy”

Cold Weather Reveals Electric Cars Are Still Toys for the Wealthy

Original Article by Steven Titch

[Note:  This is an edited version of Steven Titch’s1 Feb 14th, 2019 article with the same title on  Edits were made by Dr. David Tofsted2 to better relate the article to New Mexico.]

Photo by Pixabay

You can add plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) to the list of items that last
week’s low temperatures left in the cold.

Amid hype that these expensive, battery-operated cars are the vanguard of a  fossil fuel-free age, their cold-weather shortcomings reinforce their image as a subsidized toy for the rich.

As temperatures plummeted into the -20s and -30s across the Midwest, Tesla owners discovered their car’s travel range had sharply decreased. And its interior would not warm up. Some owners weren’t even able to open the car door because its electric entry mechanism froze up.

These owners had spent between $80,000 and $140,000 for a vehicle that Continue reading “Cold Weather Reveals Electric Cars Are Still Toys for the Wealthy”