“Recent Downpours Increasing!” …never mind, it’s another alarmist claim, demolished by careful observation”

[Author Note: This post is an extension of the 18 November 2017 presentation to the Cruces Atmospheric Sciences Forum, the graphics of which are available at the CASF web site here.]

By Robert W. Endlich

One of the claims of climate alarmists is, “recent downpours (are) increasing,” which is purported evidence of human-caused CO2-fueled global warming. One such reference is from the National Climate Assessment, and is accompanied with figures which show observations in the USA demonstrating this.



Continue reading ““Recent Downpours Increasing!” …never mind, it’s another alarmist claim, demolished by careful observation””

Eleven-Year Major Hurricane Drought: Much More Unusual than Two Cat 4 Strikes

the statistics of rare events (like hurricanes) are not very well behaved. Let’s look at this new record, and compared it to the 11+year period of no major hurricane strikes that ended when Harvey struck Texas.

Roy Spencer

[This is a reprint (21 Sep 2017) from Dr. Roy Spencer’s blog (drroyspencer.com) in which he makes the point that two category 4 hurricanes making landfall in the same year is far more likely than the recent  eleven year period with no major hurricane landfalls that preceeded the two category 4 hurricanes.  Assuming the 177 year return period for no major hurricanes in 9 years estimated by NASA was correct, we agree with Dr. Spencer that the return period for no major hurricanes in 11 years would be 560 years.  Ed.]

Weather.com published an article noting that the two Cat 4 hurricane strikes this year (Harvey and Irma) is a new record. Here’s a nice graphic they used showing both storms at landfall.

Left: Hurricane Harvey makes landfall near Rockport, Texas, on Aug. 25, 2017 | Right: Hurricane Irma makes its first landfall at Cudjoe Key, Florida, on Sept. 10, 2017 (graphic: Weather.com).

Continue reading “Eleven-Year Major Hurricane Drought: Much More Unusual than Two Cat 4 Strikes”

Hurricane Harvey: Fossil Fuels No Factor

[Note:  This post was submitted by Bob Endlich to the Las Cruces Sun-News as an Op Ed column in response to a weekly column by Algernon D’amassa,  this one  saying that Hurricane Harvey was made worse by human activities.  It was declined by the Sun-News editor, because he was afraid that it would generate too many responses from the alarmist camp.  We believe that this is nothing more than “soft censorship” another way to describe censorship,  accompanied by a nonsensical explanation. Ed.]

Bob Endlich

Algernon D’Amassa is wrong by saying Hurricane Harvey was made worse by humans, mentioning sea level rise, warmer seas, and stronger storms.

No data show that Hurricane Harvey was made stronger by the use of fossil fuels; in fact, ready availability of, and use of, fossil fuels made a dangerous storm less so, as explained below, comparing Harvey with Galveston’s 1900 Hurricane.

Sea Levels were higher 5000, 2000 and 1000 years ago, histories of castles, forts, cities, and towns now some distance from the water show this: in Ur, in present Iraq, in the Battle of Thermopylae, in the Notitia Continue reading “Hurricane Harvey: Fossil Fuels No Factor”

Biofuel justifications are illusory

[This post was originally published on cfact.org on 29 July 2017 and authored by Paul Driessen.  Previous to this publication, Bob Endlich gave a presentation to the CASF at our 16 August 2014 meeting on a similar subject.  Mr. Driessen’s post complements Mr. Endlich’s  presentation, which was  entitled “21st Century Snake Oil.” ]

It’s time to really cut, cut, cut ethanol and other renewable fuel mandates – maybe to zero.


July 29, 2017 by Paul Driessen

http://2hiwrx1aljcd3ryc7x1vkkah.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/reagan-300x300.jpg The closest thing to earthly eternal life, President Ronald Reagan used to say, is a government program.

Those who benefit from a program actively and vocally defend it, often giving millions in campaign cash to politicians who help perpetuate it, while those who oppose the program or are harmed by it are usually disorganized and distracted by daily life. Legislative inertia and Continue reading “Biofuel justifications are illusory”

Study: Sea Level Rise Revised Downward

Study: Sea Level Rise Revised Downward

[The following is a reprint of a blog on Dr. Roy Spencer’s web site (drroyspencer.com) on July 21, 2017.  The study described by Dr. Spencer is unique in that instead of changing the data to better fit the narrative it actually describes a change that makes alarmist-described climate change a little less ominous.  It is provided as part of the archive for future reference.]

July 21st, 2017

Dr. Roy Spencer

http://www.drroyspencer.com/wp-content/uploads/new-york-flooding-1-300x159.jpg If I had not looked past the headline of the press report on a new study, I would have just filed it under “It’s worse than we thought”. A new study in Nature reported on July 17 carried the following headlines:

“Satellite snafu masked true sea-level rise for decades”
“Revised tallies confirm that the rate of sea-level rise is accelerating as the Earth warms and ice sheets thaw.”

When I read that, I (like everyone else) assumed that corrections to the satellite sea level data since 1993 have now led to a revised trend toward faster (not slower) sea level rise. Right? Continue reading “Study: Sea Level Rise Revised Downward”