Comments on GeoEngineering Watch’s Video, “The Dimming”

Robert W. Endlich
Image by Pixabay

Over the past several years I’ve been asked to comment on the notion that there is on-going an active, presumably by the US Government, classified program to use emissions from airborne aircraft to cut down on sunlight arriving at the Earth’s surface for nefarious purposes.  The group promulgating this topic is GeoEngineering Watch.  They call the supposedly nefarious emissions “Chemtrails.”

Several years ago, in my research on the plausibility of the existence of “Chemtrails,” I gathered photographic images and provided preliminary Continue reading “Comments on GeoEngineering Watch’s Video, “The Dimming””

Media Lying About Climate And Hurricanes

It’s time to state the obvious.

Michael Shellenberger

[This article was originally published by the author on 4 October 2022 at this link.  We are reproducing it here under the fair use doctrine.  Ed]

Over the last several weeks, many mainstream news media outlets have claimed that hurricanes are becoming more expensive, more frequent, and more intense because of climate change.

The Financial Times reported that “hurricane frequency is on the rise.”

The New York Times claimed, “strong storms are becoming more common in the Atlantic Ocean.”

The Washington Post said, “climate change is rapidly fueling super hurricanes.”

ABC News declared, “Here’s how climate change intensifies hurricanes.”

Both the FT and N.Y. Times showed graphs purporting to show rising Continue reading “Media Lying About Climate And Hurricanes”

Have Climate Activists Lost The Power of Critical Thought?

Especially if you live in New Mexico, you might think Climate Activists have lost the power of critical thought, and you’d be right; here are some reasons why.

Robert W. Endlich

Acknowledgements:  In 2015 Michael Wallace pointed out to me that the Kort et al Methane map published in the 16 Sep 2014 GRL publication “Four corners:  The largest US methane anomaly viewed from space,” did not match up with other Methane maps which correctly showed large Methane concentrations in east Texas’ swamps.  Dave Tofsted helped with my 18 Jun 2016 presentation on Methane Madness, and this post.

Image by Pixabay

The rise of Climate Activism came about in the late 20th century; there is a good discussion of the history of this topic by the Science and Public Policy Institute (SPPI).

From the very beginnings, the assertions by two of the IPCC’s first leaders, the late Bert Bolin of Sweden and John Houghton of the UK are, if studied carefully, the result of political activism dressed up as science.  The second sentence of the SPPI paper says a lot, “The UNEP’s belief in man-made warming Continue reading “Have Climate Activists Lost The Power of Critical Thought?”

The End of an Era – Vale Patrick Michaels

By jennifer Marohasy

[This post by Jennifer Marohasy originally appeared on her blog site on 20 July 2022.  It is reproduced here under the fair use doctrine.  Ed]

There was a time when it was possible to point out an error by way of a rebuttal published as a note in a scientific journal – even in the journal Nature, even when it went against the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming agenda. The late Patrick Michaels had a note published back in 1996 (vol. 384, pg. 522) explaining that there was a major error in research findings by Ben Santer – findings so significant they underpinned the key claim in the second IPCC report that ‘The balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate.’

Pat Michaels’ career spanned the emergence of global warming as the Continue reading “The End of an Era – Vale Patrick Michaels”

A Year Later: Alarmism, and Claims the Pacific Northwest’s Heat Wave was Human-Caused

Robert W. Endlich
Image by Jose Antonio Alba from Pixabay

In late June 2021 a well-publicized heat wave occurred in the Pacific Northwest states of the USA.  I write this review a year later with a full year having passed for retrospection to examine what happened, in hopes that we might learn some lessons.

One NPR story captured a headline and narrative that puts many elements of Global Warming Alarmism up for critical examination.  The headline,

“Climate Change Is Driving Deadly Weather Disasters From Arizona To Mumbai,”

dated 29 Jul 2021 introduces a storyline put forth by NPR’s Climate Team Continue reading “A Year Later: Alarmism, and Claims the Pacific Northwest’s Heat Wave was Human-Caused”