Facebook Censorship of CASF

Robert W. Endlich

 [So, it appears as if the Facebook part of Big Tech is dredging newspapers’ opinion pages, looking for people who criticize the polemic of human-caused CO2-fueled global warming catastrophe.]

This post contains a series of four documents, starting with a 3 May 2019 Letter to the Editor of the Las Cruces Sun-News by CASF member, Fran Lavery, and ends with Facebook censoring my views.

Face Book Clip Art

Intermediate steps include a 12 May 2019 Letter to the Editor of the Sun News from Climate Activist Peter Kuntz of Northglenn, Colorado, and my Comment, taking Kuntz to task, and now, recently discovered (June 2021) Facebook actions to prevent my Comment from achieving widespread notice.

Today’s post shows Facebook is censoring views it does not like.

The sequence below brings directly to CASF, our members and friends, and other curious individuals, proof that Big Tech, rather than fostering Continue reading “Facebook Censorship of CASF”

The many follies of Biden’s Climate Plan and his Earth Day Anniversary Climate Summit

Robert W. Endlich

The notion that the USA can cut in half its CO2 emissions from the peak emissions that occurred here in 2005 is fantasy.

President Joe Biden held a virtual climate summit on the fifty-first anniversary of the first Earth Day, originally held 22 April 1970.  When confronted with facts, measurements, observations, and data concerning
climate history, Biden’s climate plan is based on trying to prevent temperature increases which have occurred naturally many times in the recent past.  This post will explore some of the most ill-informed and ignorant statements, plans, and actions, which all together will have no measurable impact on the climate, and will only cause economic harm to us, Earth’s human residents.


Let’s start with the fact that since that first Earth Day, not a single Continue reading “The many follies of Biden’s Climate Plan and his Earth Day Anniversary Climate Summit”

The 2019 Heat Wave in Europe and Beyond—What the Media Didn’t Tell You

Robert W. Endlich
Thermometer inside Stevenson screen

The summer of 2019 was hot in Europe, but the claims of new extreme record maximum temperatures, of sled dogs in Greenland mushing through never-heard-of-before water on the ice sheet, and of direct links to human-caused CO2-fueled use of inexpensive energy are wrong, incorrect, and without due diligence by the writers of such drivel.  Herein is a view you didn’t see in the Main-Stream Media.

The CNN Photo

This post starts with a CNN story with this breathless paragraph,

“The incredible photo he took, of sled dogs ankle deep in a wide expanse of Continue reading “The 2019 Heat Wave in Europe and Beyond—What the Media Didn’t Tell You”

Global Warming? An Israeli Astrophysicist Provides Alternative View That Is Not Easy To Reject

Doron Levin

“Global warming is not a purely scientific issue any more,” he said.  “It has repercussions for society.  It has also taken on a moralistic, almost religious quality.  If you believe what everyone believes, you are a good person. If you don’t, you are a bad person.  Who wants to be a sinner?”

[This interview article about ‘skeptic’ climate scientist Nir Shaviv was published and then quickly pulled from Forbes.com.  We discovered the article after it was reprinted by Jim Lakely, Communications Director  of the Heartland Institute.  We are reprinting it here under the fair use doctrine.  Ed.]

The U.S. auto industry and regulators in California and Washington appear

Astrophysicist, Nir Shaviv

deadlocked over stiff Obama-era fuel-efficiency standards that automakers oppose and the Trump administration have vowed to roll back – an initiative that has environmental activists up in arms.

California and four automakers favor compromise, while the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) supports the president’s position that the federal standards are too strict. The EPA argues that forcing automakers to build more fuel efficient cars will make them less Continue reading “Global Warming? An Israeli Astrophysicist Provides Alternative View That Is Not Easy To Reject”

About those stories of, “Declining Arctic Sea Ice Extent”

By Robert Endlich

There are numerous stories in the media about “Declining Arctic Sea Ice Extent.” This post is the story of what I found when I started looking into the specifics cited in some of those stories.

Did NCA4 Pick Some Cherries? Photo by Pixabay

With a background in geology and as an operational meteorologist with 30 years in research and development, at the outset I became suspicious when periods of record cited as ‘lines of evidence’ were well short of the characteristic 60-year time period of naturally occurring weather events which influence my locale, New Mexico. The 60-year weather cycles which dominate North America are the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation for temperatures, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation for rainfall, especially in the Mountain West of the USA, more of which is described here.

Some of the loudest and shrillest cries of, “Declining Arctic Sea Ice Extent,” come from our own Government in the Fourth National Climate Assessment, NCA4. Some of the most disturbing cries come from the Continue reading “About those stories of, “Declining Arctic Sea Ice Extent””