Media hypes new 130°F Death Valley Temperature – but it’s still short of the 134°F all-time record

Anthony Watts

On Sunday, August 16th the National Weather Service in Las Vegas, Nevada sent out a Tweet highlighting a new maximum daily temperature of 130°F in Death Valley:

Predictably, the media jumped on this number with the Los Angeles Times saying “…possibly the highest mercury reading on Earth since 1913“. Even the Continue reading “Media hypes new 130°F Death Valley Temperature – but it’s still short of the 134°F all-time record”

Thanks to Green Energy Mandates, California’s Electric Grid Is Near Collapse

By Anthony Watts
AP featured image
Wind turbines stand in a field, Friday, Feb. 2, 2018, near Northwood, Iowa. Opponents of wind power are successfully stalling or rejecting wind-farm projects across the country. Criticism of wind turbines is nothing new, but this latest rebellion is raising a host of issues and halting developments. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

This time, “rolling blackouts” are due to green energy issues, not Enron market manipulation.

Remember when California imposed rolling blackouts in 2000 and 2001? This occurred when California had a shortage of electricity supply caused by electricity market manipulations. A demand-supply gap was created, mainly by Enron, to create an artificial shortage so speculators could benefit from an 800 percent increase in Continue reading “Thanks to Green Energy Mandates, California’s Electric Grid Is Near Collapse”

On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare

by Michael Shellenberger

[This article was originally published on June 29, 2020 by  We are reproducing it here under the fair use doctrine.  It is a refreshingly honest presentation by Michael Shellenberger, an environmentalist who once accepted and actively promoted the idea that catastrophic anthropogenic global warming was occurring.  After  critically examining the AGW hypothesis, he has concluded that it is not supported by the facts, and consequently is apologizing for having participated in this misinformation campaign.  Ed.]

The Author in Maranhao, Brazil, 1995

On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years. Climate Continue reading “On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare”

I’m a ‘scientist’ — a label that has lost its luster

Art Robinson, Ph.D.
Dr. Art Robinson, Ph.D.

By Art Robinson, Ph.D.

Art Robinson, Ph.D., calls out those using the “scientist” descriptor to spread fear among us

“Let’s Send a Scientist to the Oregon Senate” headlines a flier for my State Senate campaign. We are considering dropping “Scientist.”

Scientists enjoy learning new facts about the physical world. They have been respected largely because some of their discoveries have led to Continue reading “I’m a ‘scientist’ — a label that has lost its luster”

How exactly do they plan to replace fossil fuels?

They want to ban coal, oil and gas. Exactly how will they replace them? Who wins? Who loses?

Paul Driessen
Image by Steppinstars from Pixabay

Berkeley, CA, Takoma Park, MD and other cities; California, Connecticut, New York, Virginia and other states; Germany, England and other countries; the European Union – all plan to banish oil, natural gas and coal within 10, 20 or 30 years. A number of US states have joined Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiatives and proudly say We Are Still Inthe Paris climate treaty, no matter what President Trump says or does.

[This article is provided here with the permission of the author.  It was originally published with the same title by  Ed.]

Forget the headlines and models, and look at hurricane, tornado, sea level and other historic records. There is no crisis, no unprecedented warming or weather events, certainly nothing that proves humans have replaced the Continue reading “How exactly do they plan to replace fossil fuels?”