Adjusted “Unadjusted” Data: NASA Uses The “Magic Wand Of Fudging”, Produces Warming Where There Never Was

By P Gosselin on 25 June 2019      

By Kirye 
and Pierre Gosselin      

It’s been long known that NASA[efn_note]National Aeronautics and Space Administration[/efn_note] GISS[efn_note]Goddard Institute for Space Studies[/efn_note] has been going through its historical temperature data archives and erasing old temperature measurements and replacing them with new, made up figures without any real legitimate reason.

Why pick cherries when you can manufacture them to your own specifications? Photo by Pixabay.

This practice has led to the formation of new datasets called “adjusted” data, with the old datasets being called “V3 unadjusted”. The problem for global warming activists, however, was that when anyone looks at the old “V3 unadjusted” – i.e. untampered data – they often found a downward linear temperature trend. Such negative trends of course are an embarrassment for global warming alarmists, who have been claiming the planet is warming up rapidly.

The adjusted “unadjusted” data

So what to do? Well, it seems that NASA has decided to adjust its “V3 Continue reading “Adjusted “Unadjusted” Data: NASA Uses The “Magic Wand Of Fudging”, Produces Warming Where There Never Was”

About those stories of, “Declining Arctic Sea Ice Extent”

By Robert Endlich

There are numerous stories in the media about “Declining Arctic Sea Ice Extent.” This post is the story of what I found when I started looking into the specifics cited in some of those stories.

Did NCA4 Pick Some Cherries? Photo by Pixabay

With a background in geology and as an operational meteorologist with 30 years in research and development, at the outset I became suspicious when periods of record cited as ‘lines of evidence’ were well short of the characteristic 60-year time period of naturally occurring weather events which influence my locale, New Mexico. The 60-year weather cycles which dominate North America are the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation for temperatures, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation for rainfall, especially in the Mountain West of the USA, more of which is described here.

Some of the loudest and shrillest cries of, “Declining Arctic Sea Ice Extent,” come from our own Government in the Fourth National Climate Assessment, NCA4. Some of the most disturbing cries come from the Continue reading “About those stories of, “Declining Arctic Sea Ice Extent””

Another Feature for CASF, “New Visitors.”

Robert W. Endlich

Suggestions from some CASF members to introduce visitors to the non-problem of catastrophic, human-caused, CO2-fueled “Global Warming” ( since the warming of the 1980s and 1990s stopped about 1998, the name needed to be changed to “Climate Change” ) have led us to a new feature, “New Visitors” short for, “New Visitors Start Here.”

Courtesy of Pixabay

The idea is to provide a short introductory paragraph (or two) and a series of links to take new visitors on a tour of many of the false claims of imminent climate catastrophe through links to short topics which demonstrate this folly. Our use of fossil fuels is causing an increase in atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, CO2 for short, but an elementary knowledge of high school chemistry, biology, general science and mathematics shows that the Continue reading “Another Feature for CASF, “New Visitors.””

Cold Weather Reveals Electric Cars Are Still Toys for the Wealthy

Original Article by Steven Titch

[Note:  This is an edited version of Steven Titch’s[note]Steven Titch is a technology policy analyst based in Texas, and he is a policy adviser with the Heartland Institute..[/note] Feb 14th, 2019 article with the same title on  Edits were made by Dr. David Tofsted[note]David Tofsted was born near Philadelphia. His father was from the mid-west and his mother’s family lived near Philadelphia since revolutionary times. He graduated from Penn State with a physics degree and came to New Mexico in 1980 as a Signal Corps officer with the US Army, working at White Sands Missile Range. Dave’s career spanned numerous research projects related to the understanding how the operations and performance of Army electro-optical sensors are affected by the atmosphere, including the effects of dust, fog, clouds, and the distorting effects of optical turbulence (heat boil) on imagery. Along the way, Dave studied electrical engineering at New Mexico State while continuing to work at White Sands, obtaining both Masters and Ph.D. degrees. Dave retired from White Sands in 2017 with 36 years service.[/note] to better relate the article to New Mexico.]

Photo by Pixabay

You can add plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) to the list of items that last
week’s low temperatures left in the cold.

Amid hype that these expensive, battery-operated cars are the vanguard of a  fossil fuel-free age, their cold-weather shortcomings reinforce their image as a subsidized toy for the rich.

As temperatures plummeted into the -20s and -30s across the Midwest, Tesla owners discovered their car’s travel range had sharply decreased. And its interior would not warm up. Some owners weren’t even able to open the car door because its electric entry mechanism froze up.

These owners had spent between $80,000 and $140,000 for a vehicle that Continue reading “Cold Weather Reveals Electric Cars Are Still Toys for the Wealthy”

Mathematical modeling illusions

The global climate scare – and policies resulting from it – are based on models that do not work

Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris[note]Dr. Jay Lehr is the Science Director of The Heartland Institute which is based in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Tom Harris is Executive Director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition.[/note]
Tropical Mid-troposphere 20S-20N Models and Observations from

For the past three decades, human-caused global warming alarmists have tried to frighten the public with stories of doom and gloom. They tell us the end of the world as we know it is nigh because of carbon dioxide emitted into the air by burning fossil fuels.

They are exercising precisely what journalist H. L. Mencken described early in the last century: “The whole point of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be lead to Continue reading “Mathematical modeling illusions”