More Climate Alarmist False Narratives

Robert W. Endlich

Five Impossible-to-believe topics fed to us by the alarmists:  A 2019 report: Climate is in Crisis, 100% renewable electricity is possible, Hurricane Dorian was made stronger by our use of fossil fuels, Hurricane Michael was Category 5 at landfall, and human-caused CO2-fueled global warming is a coming catastrophe.  This post summarizes my November 2019 presentation to the Cruces Atmospheric Sciences Forum, CASF.

[This is a corrected version of this post edited by the author on 4 December 2022.  Ed.]


On 4 Sep 2019 CNN presented a televised town hall meeting where 2020 Democrat presidential candidates discussed a purported human-caused, CO2-fueled climate crisis; Inside Climate News reported on the event.  I focus on three elements of that report, encapsulated in these quotes:

“There was none of the debate over science that has dominated U.S. political discussions and strangled action in recent years.”

“Most of the sparring was over what would they do to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable, how far they would go to change American lifestyles, and how would they marshal the money and political support.” Continue reading “More Climate Alarmist False Narratives”

Global Warming? An Israeli Astrophysicist Provides Alternative View That Is Not Easy To Reject

Doron Levin

“Global warming is not a purely scientific issue any more,” he said.  “It has repercussions for society.  It has also taken on a moralistic, almost religious quality.  If you believe what everyone believes, you are a good person. If you don’t, you are a bad person.  Who wants to be a sinner?”

[This interview article about ‘skeptic’ climate scientist Nir Shaviv was published and then quickly pulled from  We discovered the article after it was reprinted by Jim Lakely, Communications Director  of the Heartland Institute.  We are reprinting it here under the fair use doctrine.  Ed.]

The U.S. auto industry and regulators in California and Washington appear
Astrophysicist, Nir Shaviv

deadlocked over stiff Obama-era fuel-efficiency standards that automakers oppose and the Trump administration have vowed to roll back – an initiative that has environmental activists up in arms.

California and four automakers favor compromise, while the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) supports the president’s position that the federal standards are too strict. The EPA argues that forcing automakers to build more fuel efficient cars will make them less Continue reading “Global Warming? An Israeli Astrophysicist Provides Alternative View That Is Not Easy To Reject”

Another Feature for CASF, “New Visitors.”

Robert W. Endlich

Suggestions from some CASF members to introduce visitors to the non-problem of catastrophic, human-caused, CO2-fueled “Global Warming” ( since the warming of the 1980s and 1990s stopped about 1998, the name needed to be changed to “Climate Change” ) have led us to a new feature, “New Visitors” short for, “New Visitors Start Here.”

Courtesy of Pixabay

The idea is to provide a short introductory paragraph (or two) and a series of links to take new visitors on a tour of many of the false claims of imminent climate catastrophe through links to short topics which demonstrate this folly. Our use of fossil fuels is causing an increase in atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, CO2 for short, but an elementary knowledge of high school chemistry, biology, general science and mathematics shows that the Continue reading “Another Feature for CASF, “New Visitors.””

A case of nigh-criminal hypocrisy

Disputing Sixty Minutes’ deceptive feature on Kids’ Climate Change Lawsuit.

[Note:  This article is also available at Master Resource.  Ed.]

Robert W. Endlich

On 3 March 2019 the popular CBS Sixty Minutes newsmagazine featured a story on the Climate Kids’ lawsuit Juliana vs. the United States. It included a feature-length segment by CBS Correspondent Steve Croft, and smaller segments in the “Sixty Minutes Overtime” also directly available at the same link.

I invite you to read this analysis – and then watch the “news” and think critically about it.

Northern Spotted Owl. Photo by Pixabay

Unlike the segments themselves, my descriptions of them are arguments based on data, not emotion.

It starts in the 1990s with the young woman at the center of this lawsuit, whose name is also the title of the lawsuit, Juliana. Her full name is Kelsey Cascadia Rose Juliana; she was 5 weeks old when her parents were involved in the Pacific Northwest “timber wars” over the “endangered” Northern Spotted Owl. Along with 20 other kids or “young adults,” Juliana is now following in her parents’ footsteps, blazing her own litigation trails.

As Figure 1 summarizes, the Northern Spotted Owl decision resulted in a Continue reading “A case of nigh-criminal hypocrisy”

An evening lecture with Alarmist Katharine Hayhoe

By Robert W. Endlich

Las Cruces is home to New Mexico State University, New Mexico’s Land-Grant college.  When I attended my first of the NMSU Climate Change Education Seminar Series presentations, I found that it’s funded by Climate Alarmist Senator Tom Udall, (D-NM). A news release announced the 6 Feb 2019 lecture guest presenter was Katharine Hayhoe, from Texas Tech.

I had previously istened to Dr. Hayhoe on NPR’s broadcast of The Commonwealth Club, supposedly non-partisan,  anything but,  and

Typical university lecture hall. Source unknown.

heavy into the gloom and doom climate alarmist narrative, as I previously noted here.

The topic for her 6 Feb 2019 lecture was, “Barriers to Public Acceptance of Climate Science, Impacts, and Solutions.”

Katharine Hayhoe presents an earnest, wholesome, almost rural and folksy image such as this one from the Guardian, showing smiling Katharine with the windmill in the background.

To prepare for attending Dr Hayhoe’s lecture, I watched one of her previous Continue reading “An evening lecture with Alarmist Katharine Hayhoe”