TIME Magazine’s 2022 Feature Article, “Earth, Inc” …

“Ignorance Posing as Journalism”  

Robert W. Endlich

Once again, an old magazine in a doctor’s office waiting room was fertile ground for this month’s topic, “TIME Magazine’s 2022 feature article, ‘Earth, Inc’ …Ignorance Posing as Journalism.”

TIME’s 25 Apr/ 2 May 2022 print edition is the source of an absurd article on the alleged climate crisis, supposed journalist-experts waxing, in what they think is eloquent prose, the proclamation that a human-caused, CO2-fueled ‘climate crisis’ is upon us.  In this feature, they write,

“For better or worse, corporations are more involved than ever in how the world handles the climate crisis.”

Image by Pixabay

The puffery of journalist self-importance starts with a leading editorial by Edward Felsenthal, a Princeton Grad, TIME Editor-in-Chief and CEO, who announces a new TIME division, CO2, bringing

“a climate action program…to help guide every sized business, including ours, in becoming net (CO2 emission) zero and nature positive.”

The article itself is written by self-proclaimed Climate Expert Justin Worland, a Harvard History major who among countless others in Government, The Academy, and now in seemingly overwhelming numbers Continue reading “TIME Magazine’s 2022 Feature Article, “Earth, Inc” …”

The End of an Era – Vale Patrick Michaels


By jennifer Marohasy

[This post by Jennifer Marohasy originally appeared on her blog site on 20 July 2022.  It is reproduced here under the fair use doctrine.  Ed]

There was a time when it was possible to point out an error by way of a rebuttal published as a note in a scientific journal – even in the journal Nature, even when it went against the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming agenda. The late Patrick Michaels had a note published back in 1996 (vol. 384, pg. 522) explaining that there was a major error in research findings by Ben Santer – findings so significant they underpinned the key claim in the second IPCC report that ‘The balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate.’

Pat Michaels’ career spanned the emergence of global warming as the Continue reading “The End of an Era – Vale Patrick Michaels”

The many follies of Biden’s Climate Plan and his Earth Day Anniversary Climate Summit

Robert W. Endlich

The notion that the USA can cut in half its CO2 emissions from the peak emissions that occurred here in 2005 is fantasy.

President Joe Biden held a virtual climate summit on the fifty-first anniversary of the first Earth Day, originally held 22 April 1970.  When confronted with facts, measurements, observations, and data concerning
climate history, Biden’s climate plan is based on trying to prevent temperature increases which have occurred naturally many times in the recent past.  This post will explore some of the most ill-informed and ignorant statements, plans, and actions, which all together will have no measurable impact on the climate, and will only cause economic harm to us, Earth’s human residents.


Let’s start with the fact that since that first Earth Day, not a single Continue reading “The many follies of Biden’s Climate Plan and his Earth Day Anniversary Climate Summit”

Climate Data Is Being Misused and Manipulated, Says Award-Winning Scientist

By Patrick MichaelsH. Sterling Burnett 

Climate scientist Patrick Michaels says there has been a profound suspension of the normal rules of science in the climate arena.

For Michaels’ presentation at ICCC 13 click here.

Burnett: You coauthored a book titled Lukewarming: The New Climate Science that Changes Everything. What is the thesis of the book?

copyright 2016 by Cato Institute

Michaels: Global warming is often presented as one of two alternative visions: left unattended, it will bring about an unmitigated disaster with tremendous consequences to humanity and the planet; or there is really “no such thing”—meaning little to no warming and little to no influence of human greenhouse-gas emissions on climate.

[This interview was originally published by the Heartland Institute on December 5th, 2019.  It is being printed here with the permission of Dr. H. Sterling Burnett from the Heartland Institute.]

There is a third way. I call it the ‘lukewarm” synthesis, which holds the surface temperature indeed is a bit warmer than it was around 1900, that Continue reading “Climate Data Is Being Misused and Manipulated, Says Award-Winning Scientist”

Updated Analysis Shows Climate Models Continue To Predict Too Much Warming

By James TaylorJay Lehr  

Global temperatures are likely only rising at a pace of 0.13 degrees Celsius per decade, which is even closer to skeptic predictions.

[This blog post is being reprinted with permission of the authors.  It originally appeared in the Heartland Weekly on 2 January 2020.  Ed.]

polar ice caps

A newly published paper, titled “Evaluating the Performance of Past Climate Model Projections,” mistakenly claims climate models have been remarkably accurate predicting future temperatures. The paper is receiving substantial media attention, but we urge caution before blindly accepting the paper’s assertions.

As an initial matter, the authors of the paper are climate modelers. Climate modelers have a vested self-interest in convincing people that climate Continue reading “Updated Analysis Shows Climate Models Continue To Predict Too Much Warming”