I’m a ‘scientist’ — a label that has lost its luster

Art Robinson, Ph.D.
Dr. Art Robinson, Ph.D.

By Art Robinson, Ph.D.

Art Robinson, Ph.D., calls out those using the “scientist” descriptor to spread fear among us

“Let’s Send a Scientist to the Oregon Senate” headlines a flier for my State Senate campaign. We are considering dropping “Scientist.”

Scientists enjoy learning new facts about the physical world. They have been respected largely because some of their discoveries have led to Continue reading “I’m a ‘scientist’ — a label that has lost its luster”

How exactly do they plan to replace fossil fuels?

They want to ban coal, oil and gas. Exactly how will they replace them? Who wins? Who loses?

Paul Driessen
Image by Steppinstars from Pixabay

Berkeley, CA, Takoma Park, MD and other cities; California, Connecticut, New York, Virginia and other states; Germany, England and other countries; the European Union – all plan to banish oil, natural gas and coal within 10, 20 or 30 years. A number of US states have joined Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiatives and proudly say We Are Still Inthe Paris climate treaty, no matter what President Trump says or does.

[This article is provided here with the permission of the author.  It was originally published with the same title by cfact.org.  Ed.]

Forget the headlines and models, and look at hurricane, tornado, sea level and other historic records. There is no crisis, no unprecedented warming or weather events, certainly nothing that proves humans have replaced the Continue reading “How exactly do they plan to replace fossil fuels?”

Climate Data Is Being Misused and Manipulated, Says Award-Winning Scientist

By Patrick MichaelsH. Sterling Burnett 

Climate scientist Patrick Michaels says there has been a profound suspension of the normal rules of science in the climate arena.

For Michaels’ presentation at ICCC 13 click here.

Burnett: You coauthored a book titled Lukewarming: The New Climate Science that Changes Everything. What is the thesis of the book?

copyright 2016 by Cato Institute

Michaels: Global warming is often presented as one of two alternative visions: left unattended, it will bring about an unmitigated disaster with tremendous consequences to humanity and the planet; or there is really “no such thing”—meaning little to no warming and little to no influence of human greenhouse-gas emissions on climate.

[This interview was originally published by the Heartland Institute on December 5th, 2019.  It is being printed here with the permission of Dr. H. Sterling Burnett from the Heartland Institute.]

There is a third way. I call it the ‘lukewarm” synthesis, which holds the surface temperature indeed is a bit warmer than it was around 1900, that Continue reading “Climate Data Is Being Misused and Manipulated, Says Award-Winning Scientist”

Updated Analysis Shows Climate Models Continue To Predict Too Much Warming

By James TaylorJay Lehr  

Global temperatures are likely only rising at a pace of 0.13 degrees Celsius per decade, which is even closer to skeptic predictions.

[This blog post is being reprinted with permission of the authors.  It originally appeared in the Heartland Weekly on 2 January 2020.  Ed.]

polar ice caps

A newly published paper, titled “Evaluating the Performance of Past Climate Model Projections,” mistakenly claims climate models have been remarkably accurate predicting future temperatures. The paper is receiving substantial media attention, but we urge caution before blindly accepting the paper’s assertions.

As an initial matter, the authors of the paper are climate modelers. Climate modelers have a vested self-interest in convincing people that climate Continue reading “Updated Analysis Shows Climate Models Continue To Predict Too Much Warming”

A conversation with Susan J. Crockford—for Association des climato-réalistes

Contributed by Grégoire Canlorbe @2019  

“So, the long and short of it is that the prediction that the bear numbers would decline by two thirds failed. Not only did the bears not decline, but the global population number rose by at least 16 percent, perhaps more.”

[This interview was originally published by Friends of Science on December 15, 2019.  It is presented here with the permission of the interviewer, Mr. Grègoire Canlorbe]

Susan J. Crockford: I live in Victoria, British Columbia, and I specialize in animals from the late Pleistocene, so probably the last fifteen to twenty thousand years.  I have a contract company called Pacific Identifications Inc. We identify animal bones from archaeological projects and also from biological research: stomach contents, fecal samples, that kind of thing. That’s primarily how I get my income. And then, I am also a former adjunct professor at the University of Victoria—I had held that position since 2004 but in 2019, it was not renewed.

My primary interest—my overall interest—is evolution.  That, for me, really informs everything.  It’s the big picture.  Evolution is the big idea that drives all my interest.  For example, the interesting thing is that a deer bone from 8000 years ago looks like one living today, and so, there is continuity.

Image from Pixabay

But there are also distinctions—when you get species differences, those are apparent.  I became interested in polar bears when I was working on the topic leading up to my PhD dissertation. I was looking at the speciation process that turns a wolf into a dog (what we also call domestication). While trying to unravel what biological process drives that transformation, the wild species that I looked at to compare it to was the brown bear to polar bear transformation. So, I’ve been looking at the Continue reading “A conversation with Susan J. Crockford—for Association des climato-réalistes”